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引述 Web of Science

Garcia-Ruiz, Rosa; Gozalvez Perez, Vicent; Aguaded Gomez, J. Ignacio. Media competence as a challenge for educommunication: evaluation tools CUADERNOS INFO, 2014.


Catalina-Garcia, Beatriz; Garcia Jimenez, Antonio; Montes Vozmediano, Manuel. Youths and consumption of news via Internet and social media HISTORIA Y COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2015.


Condeza Dall'Orso, Rayen; Montenegro Armijo, Carlos; Galvez Johnson, Myrna. An experience of university education to communicate about poverty and inequality CUADERNOS INFO, 2015.


Garcia-Jimenez, Antonio; Catalina-Garcia, Beatriz; Oliva-Maranon, Carlos. Study on the frequency of search and consultation of news by young people DOCUMENTACION DE LAS CIENCIAS DE LA INFORMACION, 2016.


Muniz Zuniga, Viviana; Fonseca Valido, Rafael. Shaping public agenda on provincial issues in Santiago de Cuba in 2015 CHASQUI-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE COMUNICACION, 2016.


Hernandez-Serrano, Maria-Jose; Renes-Arellano, Paula; Graham, Gary; Greenhill, Anita. From Prosumer to Prodesigner: Participatory News Consumption COMUNICAR, 2017.


Ugalde, Leire; Martinez-de-Morentin, Juan-Ignacio; Medrano, Maria-Concepcion. Adolescents' TV Viewing Patterns in the Digital Era: a Cross-cultural Study COMUNICAR, 2017.


Nelms, Carrie; Allen, Myria W.; Craig, Christopher A.; Riggs, Shelby. Who is the Adolescent Environmentalist? Environmental Attitudes, Identity, Media Usage and Communication Orientation ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION-A JOURNAL OF NATURE AND CULTURE, 2017.


Garcia Jimenez, Antonio; Tur-Vines, Victoria; Pastor Ruiz, Yolanda. Media consumption by adolescents and young people. News, audiovisual contents and audience measurement REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS, 2018.


Silveira, Patricia. The news and its impact on Portuguese children's perspectives JOURNAL OF CHILDREN AND MEDIA, 2019.


Valenzuela, Sebastian; Bachmann, Ingrid; Aguilar, Marcela. Socialized for News Media Use: How Family Communication, Information-Processing Needs, and Gratifications Determine Adolescents' Exposure to News COMMUNICATION RESEARCH, 2019.


Hershkovitz, Arnon; Hayat, Zack;. The role of tie strength in assessing credibility of scientific content on facebook TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY , 2020.




Silveira; Patrícia;. Observatorio (OBS*) , 2019.

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引述 Scopus

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Catalina-García, B., García Jiménez, A., Montes Vozmediano, M.. Youths, consumption of news via Internet, social media [Jóvenes y consumo de noticias a través de Internet y los medios sociales]), Historia y Comunicacion Social, .


Ugalde, L., Martínez-de-Morentin, J.-I., Medrano, M.-C.. Adolescents' Tv viewing patterns in the digital era: A cross-cultural study), Comunicar, .


Nelms, C., Allen, M.W., Craig, C.A., Riggs, S.. Who is the Adolescent Environmentalist? Environmental Attitudes, Identity, Media Usage, Communication Orientation), Environmental Communication, .


Ruiz, Y.P., Nieto, R.M., Vozmediano, M.M.. Patterns of use, parental control, access to information for adolescents in the network [Patrones de uso, control parental y acceso a la información de los adolescentes en la red]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .


Silveira, P.. TV news, children`s audiences: Why the bet on segmented journalism for children [Notícias televisivas e públicos infantis: o porquê da aposta em jornalismo segmentado para as crianças]), Observatorio, .


Silveira, P.. The news, its impact on portuguese children’s perspectives), Journal of Children, Media, .


Valenzuela, S., Bachmann, I., Aguilar, M.. Socialized for News Media Use: How Family Communication, Information-Processing Needs,, Gratifications Determine Adolescents’ Exposure to News), Communication Research, .


Jiménez, A.G., Tur-Viñes, V., Ruiz, Y.P. . Media consumption by adolescents and young people. News, audiovisual contents and audience measurement | [Consumo mediático de adolescentes y jóvenes. Noticias, contenidos audiovisuales y medición de audiencias]), Icono14, .


Hershkovitz, A., Hayat, Z. . The role of tie strength in assessing credibility of scientific content on facebook), Technology in Society, .


Hernández-Serrano, M.-J., Renés-Arellano, P., Graham, G., Greenhill, A.. From prosumer to prodesigner: Participatory news consumption), Comunicar, .


García-ruiz, R., Pérez, V.G., Gómez, J.I.A.. The media competence as a challenge for educommunication: Tools of evaluation [La competencia mediática como reto para la educomunicación: Instrumentos de evaluación]), Cuadernos.info, .


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Espinar-Ruiz, E., González-Díaz, C., Martínez-Gras, R. . Analysis of news consumption of students from the University of Alicante | [Análisis del consumo de noticias entre estudiantes de la Universidad de Alicante]), #EANF#, .


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Córdoba-Cabús, A., Hidalgo-Arjona, M., López-Martín, Á.. Coverage of the 2021 Madrid regional election campaign by the main Spanish newspapers on Twitter: natural language processing and machine learning algorithms), Profesional de la Informacion, .


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