Ключевые слова

Attitudes, virtual communities, discrimination, gender studies, Internet, youth, social network sites, sociology


In the framework of the «Project I: CUD» (Internet: Creatively Unveiling Discrimination), carried out in the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Romania and Spain, we conducted a study into the expressions of discrimination used by young people on social network sites (SNS). To do so we designed a methodological strategy for detecting discriminatory content in 493 Facebook profiles and used this strategy to collect 363 examples for further analysis. Our aims were to compile information on the various types of discriminatory content and how they function online in order to create tools and strategies that can be used by trainers, teachers and families to combat discrimination on the Internet. Through this study we have detected patterns between young men and young women that reveal that there is a feminine and a masculine way of behaving on the Internet and that there are different ways of expressing discrimination on SNS. Men tend to be more direct in their posting and sharing of messages. Their messages, which are also more clearly discriminatory, focus more on discrimination towards ethnic groups and cultural minorities. Women, on the other hand, tend to use indirect (reactive) discriminatory strategies with a less obvious discriminatory component that mainly focuses on sociocultural status and physical appearance.


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Цитаты в Scopus

Jorge, A., Farrugia, L.. Are victims to blame? Youth, gender, moral discourse on online risk), Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, .


Araüna, N., Dhaenens, F., Van Bauwel, S.. Historical, temporal, contemporary trends on gender, media), Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, .


González, S.C., Maroto, J.L.S.F.. Selfies, young people, sexuality in instagram: Self - Representation on image format [Selfies, jóvenes y sexualidad en instagram: Representaciones del yo en formato imagen]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


Di Marco, D., Arenas, A., Munduate, L., Hoel, H.. Discriminatory language in the workplace: unmasking prejudices, stereotypes / El lenguaje discriminatorio en contextos laborales: desenmascarando prejuicios y estereotipos), Revista de Psicologia Social, .


Aksar, I.A., Firdaus, A.S.B., Danaee, M., Maqsood, H. . Virtual manifestations of patriarchy: Digital experience of Pakistani women), Asian Women, .


Osuna-Rodríguez, M., Rodríguez-Osuna, L.M., Dios, I., Amor, M.I. . Perception of gender-based violence and sexual harassment in university students: Analysis of the information sources and risk within a relationship), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Tirado-Morueta, R., Mendoza-Zambrano, D.M., Aguaded-Gómez, J.I., Marín-Gutiérrez, I.. Empirical study of a sequence of access to Internet use in Ecuador), Telematics, Informatics, .


Gaysina, G.I., Zakirova, V.G.. Prevention of teenager's internet addiction: Pilot program [çocuklarda internet bağimliliğini önleme: Pilot programi]), Elementary Education Online, .


Masanet, M.-J., Gómez-Puertas, L., Pires, F. . The risks of the gender digital divide among teenagers | [Riesgos de la brecha digital de género entre los y las adolescentes]), Profesional de la Informacion, .


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Jorge, A., & Farrugia, L. (2017). Are victims to blame? Youth, gender and moral discourse on online risk. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 9(2), 285-301.


Araüna, N., Dhaenens, F., & Van Bauwel, S. (2017). Historical, temporal and contemporary trends on gender and media. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 9(2), 177-184.


Gaysina, G. I., & Zakirova, V. G. (2017). Prevention of Teenager's Internet Addiction: Pilot Program. İlköğretim Online, 16(4).


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Pineda, J. E. R. (2018). La utilizacion de las tecnologias de la informacion y la comunicacion (TIC) en la consolidacion de las trayectorias afectivo-sexuales de los jovenes homosexuales y bisexuales colombianos residentes en Espana. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 31(2), 509-523.


Pineda, J. E. R. (2018). La utilización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la consolidación de las trayectorias afectivo-sexuales de los jóvenes homosexuales y bisexuales colombianos residentes en España. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 31(2), 529.


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Di Marco, D., Arenas, A., Munduate, L., & Hoel, H. (2019). Discriminatory language in the workplace: unmasking prejudices and stereotypes/El lenguaje discriminatorio en contextos laborales: desenmascarando prejuicios y estereotipos. Revista de Psicología Social, 34(1), 110-136.



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Как процитировать

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