
Prevention, forest fires, natural resources, Internet


This educational project aims to educate in the prevention of forest fires by means of the Internet. It consists of three different stages. In the first stage, three surveys have been drawn up. One on the ecological/social problems of forest fires; a second one on forests as natural resources and a third one on the problems gamekeepers have to face. These three surveys have been sent out to several ONG, ecology journals and a number of gamekeepers. In the second stage, we have contacted some Secondary Schools in towns and cities which are in areas that have already been or are in danger of being damaged by forest fires.


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Clauss-Klamp, F. (2002). Medios de comunicación y prevención de incendios forestales. Comunicar, 18, 137-142. https://doi.org/10.3916/C18-2002-21



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