
Cinema, film, guidance, education, analysis


The author thinks that cinema has to be used at school, but he also thinks that it can´t be used as a didactic or motivational resource because the role played by cinema in History is so important that we have to consider it as culture, art, spectacle... and a great influence on millions of people all over the world. This paper offers some ideas to use it at school in a guidance way proposing the film analysis, the introduction in the main cinema topics and the work with an expresive, cognoscitive and creative sensibility.


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引述 Web of Science


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Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez, E. (2003). Cinema resources to teach and learn. [El valor del cine para aprender y enseñar]. Comunicar, 20, 45-52. https://doi.org/10.3916/C20-2003-07



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