Palavras chave

Guidance, career guidance & counselling, new technologies, Internet


Educational guidance has become one of the cornerstones resulting of the LOGSE education. Its function consists of helping the student to know how to choose the best educative itinerary and job for him. On the other hand, Internet has raised as the hugest information net ever created. Due to its extension, the user frecuently feels lost. This paper has been written to give some clues on the guidance in Internet to provide useful sites with plain comentaries on what can be found in each of them.



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Métricas deste artigo

Vistas: 29480

Leituras dos resumos: 25848

Descargas em PDF: 3632

Métricas completas do Comunicar 20

Vistas: 938922

Leituras dos resumos: 813455

Descargas em PDF: 125467

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Métricas alternativas

Como citar

Pedroso-Herrera, T. (2003). Orientación educativa en Internet: direcciones útiles. Comunicar, 20, 111-117.



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