Ключевые слова

Media, emotions, empathy, education, parasocial relationships, children, adolescents


Emotion is one of the most used resources for getting and maintening viewer´s attention in audiovisual context, achieving different levels of success. We analyses some of the factors that determine the viewer emotional impact, specially the role of the characters in the story, the informative news and the context, so much physical as symbolic, which surrounds the visual experience and also the characteristics of the audiovisual language.


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Conde-Miranda, E., & de-Iturrate-Cárdenes, L. (2003). Emotional impacts at the cinema: the example of death. [Reacciones emocionales en el cine: el caso de la muerte]. Comunicar, 20, 168-172. https://doi.org/10.3916/C20-2003-24



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