
Educational investigation, questionnaire, media and new technologies, orientation, psychopedagogical supervisión


Nowadays, it is more frequent the development of educational investigations that try to determine the use and the impact of the mass media and the new technologies in the children, teenagers and young people. In this paper one pleads for the use of the questionnaire as an excellent instrument of withdrawal of information in theinvestigations on the use and the influence of the mass media in the life of our students. Consistently, the essential orientations for its production are offered and it is presented a practice that can be very useful and of scientific reference to the future investigation in this subject matter.


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Méndez-Garrido, J. (2004). To investigate the media influence in the classrooms by means of questionnaires. [Investigar la incidencia de los medios en las aulas mediante cuestionarios]. Comunicar, 22, 81-87. https://doi.org/10.3916/C22-2004-12



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