
Teenagers, schools, mass media, violence


Getting to know the young person of the 21th century better in his relationship with the media will allow us to understand his daily life in different ways and the meanings he gives to situations, places and events. And therefore we´ll be able to create spaces for learning, dialogue and communication with individuals at schools. The authors present data from research carried out with primaty and secondary students which makes us think about teenagers, their interests and interactions in the society. An active observation and group activities with media were carried out to collect these data and help them to communicate and improve their motivation and reflection. They think that the knowledge of teenagers´ interests and challenges help teachers and researchers to create new teaching tools.


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Esperon-Porto, T. (2005). What´s the young person of the 21th century like?. [Adolescentes e comunicação: espaços de aprendizagem e comunicação]. Comunicar, 24, 133-141. https://doi.org/10.3916/C24-2005-20



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