
Television reality, teleaddiction, audience.


The problematic existing nowadays in the classroom by lots of students of Secondary Education, consisting in a lack of motivation and interest for their studies, and emphasizing the growing consumption of mass media, in particular the television, this convert the young people in mere vulnerable and passive consumers to the power of the TV messages, copying models and roles of unreal behaviour unconsciously. With this pedagogical proposal we try to work in the classroom with an instrument that is very familiar, obtaining with motivational activities introduce the students in the TV language and detecting the negative and positive aspects of this instrument in a conscious way, in final aim of getting critical students of TV of their favourite programs.


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Casado-Mestre, F. (2005). TV as a way of social behaviour: a pedagogical proposal. [La realidad televisiva como modelo de comportamiento social: una propuesta didáctica]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-196



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