Palavras chave
Digital, education, entertainment, interactivity, goals, movility, television
Interactive Digital TV (IDTV) is a reality in the midst of the Information Society, is expected to allow the development of new interactive systems that may be useful in daily life as well as in other scopes such as education, politics and economics. The implications that IDTV requires to mature settles new challenges for both public and private authorities, and, demands also, new standards for other aspects such as technolgy applications, television industry, legal frames, social envioroments and education fields. This paper presents the basis of IDTV and also looks beyond to explore what are the outlines that can be used to provide an efficient broadcast and interactivity.
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González-Gómez, A., & Jiménez-Comrie, K. (2006). Interactive digital TV and its learning tools. [La televisión digital interactiva y sus aplicaciones educativas]. Comunicar, 26, 93-101.