Ключевые слова

Media education, projects, institutions, training, future


Education about the media has been developing in the UK for at least 40 years. Various accounts of that history can be found elsewhere; this paper will just attempt to sketch out key features of the current scene, and to point readers to sources of more substantial information. Given that I work for the British Film Institute, a key player in this field, there is bound to be some bias in this account towards the BFI’s perspective: my defence is that, as every media educator knows, no account is ever completely unbiased.


ALVARADO, M. & BOYD-BARRETT, O. (Eds.) (1992): Media education: an Introduction. London, BFI; part I; 9-186;

Link Google Scholar

ALVARADO, M.; GUTCH, R. & WOLLEN, T. (1987): Learning the media. London, Macmillan Education, capítulo 1; 9-38;

Link Google Scholar

BUCKINGHAM, D. (2003): Media education: literacy, learning and contemporary culture. Cambridge, Polity Press; 6-17.

Link Google Scholar

FLOOD, BRICE-HEATH & LAPP (Eds.): Handbook of research in teaching literacy through the communicative and visual arts. Vol. II (forthcoming), Mahwah NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Link Google Scholar

HARVEY & AL. (2001): Being seen being heard. Leicester, National Youth Agency

Link Google Scholar

MASTERMAN, L. (1985): Teaching the media. London, Comedia;19.

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SKILLSET (2003): Workforce Survey; 10.

Link Google Scholar


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Цитаты в Web of Science

Aguaded Gomez, Jose Ignacio; Diaz Gomez, Rocio. Educating critical TV viewers in secondary school REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2008.


Bazalgette, Cary. Analogue Sunset. The Educational Role of the British Film Institute, 1979-2007 COMUNICAR, 2010.


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Как процитировать

Bazalgette, C. (2007). Media education in the UK. [La educación en los medios en el Reino Unido]. Comunicar, 28, 33-41. https://doi.org/10.3916/C28-2007-03



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