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引述 Web of Science

Chen, Der-Thanq; Lin, Tzu-Bin; Li, Jen-Yi; Lee, Ling. Establishing the norm of new media literacy of Singaporean students: Implications to policy and pedagogy COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 2018.


引述 Scopus

Chen, D.-T., Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., Lee, L.. Establishing the norm of new media literacy of Singaporean students: Implications to policy, pedagogy), Computers and Education, .


Zylka, J., Muller, W., Martins, S.W.. Media literacy worldwide. Similarities, differences of theoretical, practical approaches), 2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2011, .


引述 Google Scholar





Jeong, H. (2009). History, policy, and practices of media education in South Korea. [Historia, política y prácticas de la educación en medios en Corea del Sur]. Comunicar, 32, 85-95. https://doi.org/10.3916/c32-2009-02-007



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