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引述 Web of Science

Barro Hernandez, Mario. That obscure object of analysis: studies on Luis Bunuel (with an indication of its Mexican stage) BULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES, 2016.


Ruiz del Olmo, Francisco-Javier; Xifra, Jordi. Public relations discourse, ethical propaganda and collective identity in Luis Bunuel's Spanish Civil War films PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW, 2017.


引述 Scopus

Ruiz del Olmo, F.-J., Xifra, J.. Public relations discourse, ethical propaganda, collective identity in Luis Buñuel's Spanish Civil War films), Public Relations Review, .


引述 Google Scholar





Ruiz-del-Olmo, F. (2010). Language and collective identity in Buñuel. Propaganda in the film «España 1936». [Lenguaje e identidad colectiva en Buñuel. Propaganda en el filme «España 1936»]. Comunicar, 35, 69-77. https://doi.org/10.3916/C35-2010-02-07



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