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引述 Web of Science

Mateos-Perez, Javier. Programs for children and youth in the change of the Spanish TV cycle (1990-1994) PALABRA CLAVE, 2012.


Liceras Ruiz, Angel. The informal education of the media and the protection of minors from violence on television: history of failure PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2014.

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Vizcaino-Laorga, Ricardo; Martinez Pastor, Esther; Serrano Maillo, Isabel; . Just Within the Limits of the Law: Minors from Consumers of Advertising to Creators of Advertising in Spain KOME-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE COMMUNICATION INQUIRY, 2019.


引述 Scopus

Mateos-Pérez, J.. Programs for children, youth in the change of the Spanish TV cycle (1990-1994) [La programación infantil y juvenil en el cambio de ciclo televisivo español (1990-1994)]), Palabra Clave, .


Ruiz, Á.L.. The informal education of the media, the protection of minors from violence on television: History of failure [La educación informal de los medios de comunicación y la protección de los menores de la violencia en televisión: Historia de un fracaso]), Profesorado, .

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Dávila de León, M.C., Revilla Castro, J.C., Fernández-Villanueva, C.. Beyond mere exposition: TV violence in protected times [Más allá de la mera exposición: Violencia en televisión en horario protegido]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Vizcaíno-Laorga, R., Pastor, E.M., Maíllo, I.S.. Just within the limits of the law: Minors from consumers of advertising to creators of advertising in Spain), KOME, .


引述 Google Scholar





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