Ключевые слова

Convergence, communicational policies, citizenship, empowerment, narrative competences


This paper analyzes the educommunicational consequences of the transformations of mediated communication in the process of digitization. We present qualitative empirical evidence on the use of mass media and digital technologies from the digital convergence of media, the industry and the resulting complementary formats. Television, in particular, has experienced a process of changing its formats and expressive content by delivering interactivity, facilitating the expression of subjects by means of different technological devices. So from the perspective of the subject, it is observed that the new technological devices and their new grammars are utilized provided they contribute with meaning to his daily practice and biographical trajectory. Nevertheless, digital inclusion policies have focused only on maximizing access to equipment and digital literacy associated to technology applications and not to the narrative skills of the subjects. It is therefore necessary to generate new concepts that allow new methodological guidelines, in communication and education academic processes, to promote the use of new emerging digital spaces for communicational empowered citizens, that is, from competent to tell (expressive skills) to more specifically, tell oneself (as an individual) and tell us (collectively). Finally, these will be the expressive spaces of the new television with citizen´s expressions, fostered by converging elements of digital technology.


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Как процитировать

Phillippi-Miranda, A., & Avendaño-Ruz, C. (2011). Communicative empowerment: Narrative skills of the subjects. [Empoderamiento comunicacional: Competencias narrativas de los sujetos]. Comunicar, 36, 61-68. https://doi.org/10.3916/C36-2011-02-06



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