


这篇文章研究如何引导儿童和青春期少年在虚拟网络世界中 (habbo酒店为例)的权利发展。曾经试图分析 在虚拟领域的公司,根据游戏公司制定的不同规则 如何通过不同的角色扮演来决定使用者的行为。与此同时, 为了了解未成年人如何在虚拟网络中学到权利的使用 和社会的构架,我们分析了游戏空间中为玩家设计的规则。 结果表明公司在电子游戏中设计的规则不总是民主的、创新的, 具有积极参与作用的和令人满意的。所以有些作者不建议使用 这些新兴的沟通媒体。


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引述 Web of Science

Dishon, Gideon; Kafai, Yasmin B.;. Connected civic gaming: rethinking the role of video games in civic education INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS , 2019.


Cuervo Sanchez, Sandra Liliana; Foronda Rojo, Ainize; Rodriguez Martinez, Ana; Medrano Samaniego, Concepcion; . Media and information literacy: a measurement instrument for adolescents JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING, 2019.


Aparici, Roberto; Garcia-Marin, David; . Prosumers and emirecs: Analysis of two confronted theories Estudio General de Medios. Resumen General Febrero a Noviembre, 2018.


Cristina Blasco-Serrano, Ana; Lorenzo Lacruz, Juan; Sarsa, Javier. Students' perception of flipped classroom through the use of social networks and classroom response systems RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2018.


Jose Planells, Antonio. Video games and the crowdfunding ideology: From the gamer-buyer to the prosumer-investor JOURNAL OF CONSUMER CULTURE, 2017.


Reisoglu, I.; Topu, B.; Yilmaz, Rabia Meryem; Yilmaz, T. Karakus; Goktas, Y.. 3D virtual learning environments in education: a meta-review ASIA PACIFIC EDUCATION REVIEW, 2017.


Martin-Gutierrez, Jorge; Efren Mora, Carlos; Anorbe-Diaz, Beatriz; Gonzalez-Marrero, Antonio. Virtual Technologies Trends in Education EURASIA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION, 2017.


Burnett, Cathy. Being together in classrooms at the interface of the physical and virtual: implications for collaboration in on/off-screen sites LEARNING MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016.


Ranieri, Maria; Fabbro, Francesco. Questioning discrimination through critical media literacy. Findings from seven European countries EUROPEAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2016.


Recalde-Viana, Monica; Sadaba-Chalezquer, Charo; Gutierrez-Garcia, Elena. Telecommunication Industry Contributions to Child Online Protection COMUNICAR, 2015.


Bautista Garcia-Vera, Antonio. Make visible the production and reproduction with digital hybrids in lifelong teacher education PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2015.

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Arroyo-Almaraz, Isidoro; Gomez-Diaz, Raul. The Undesired Effects of Digital Communication on Moral Response COMUNICAR, 2015.


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Cabalin, Cristian. Online and Mobilized Students: The Use of Facebook in the Chilean Student Protests COMUNICAR, 2014.


Garcia Vallinas, Eulogio. Media and Informational training as content of peace education HISTORIA Y COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2014.


del Rocio Bonilla Quijada, Maria; Arriaga, Jose Luis Del Olmo; Domingo, David Andreu;. Insights into user engagement on social media. Findings from two fashion retailers ELECTRONIC MARKETS , 2020.


引述 Scopus

Cabalin, C.. Online, mobilized students: The use of Facebook in the Chilean student protests), Comunicar, .


García Vallinas, E.. Media, Informational training as content of peace education [La capacitación mediática e informativa como contenido de la educación para la paz]), Historia y Comunicacion Social, .


García Vallinas, E.. Media, Informational training as content of peace education [La capacitación mediática e informativa como contenido de la educación para la paz]), Ilu, .


Davies, I., Sant, E.. Perceptions of students, teachers in England about how social media are used (and how they could be used) in schools, elsewhere), The Networked Young Citizen: Social Media, Political Participation, Civic Engagement, .


Rodríguez-Hoyos, C., de Albuquerque, R.M.. Racist representations in digital games: An investigation of players' discourses), Computer Games, Children and the Internet: Technology, Educational Uses and Effects on Cognitive Development, .

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Recalde-Viana, M., Sádaba-Chalezquer, C., Gutiérrez-García, E.. Telecommunications industry contributions to child online protection), Comunicar, .


Arroyo-Almaraz, I., Gómez-Díaz, R.. The undesired effects of digital communication on moral response), Comunicar, .


Ranieri, M., Fabbro, F.. Questioning discrimination through critical media literacy. Findings from seven European countries), European Educational Research Journal, .


Burnett, C.. Being together in classrooms at the interface of the physical, virtual: implications for collaboration in on/off-screen sites), Learning, Media, Technology, .


Martín-Gutiérrez, J., Mora, C.E., Añorbe-Díaz, B., González-Marrero, A.. Virtual technologies trends in education), Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, .


Figueras-Maz, M., Tortajada Giménez, I., Willem, C.. Patterns of post-feminist representation in Girls. Analysis of constructed meanings by fans, haters [Patrones de representación posfeministas en Girls. Análisis de los significados construidos por fans y detractores]), Oceanide, .

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Aparici, R., García-Marín, D.. Prosumers, emirecs: Analysis of two confronted theories), Comunicar, .


Blasco-Serrano, A.C., Lacruz, J.L., Sarsa, J.. Students' perception of flipped classroom through the use of social networks, classroom response systems [Percepción de los estudiantes al 'invertir la clase' mediante el uso de redes sociales y sistemas de respuesta inmediata]), Revista de Educacion a Distancia, .


Dishon, G., Kafai, Y.B.. Connected civic gaming: rethinking the role of video games in civic education), Interactive Learning Environments, .


Cuervo Sánchez, S.L., Foronda Rojo, A., Rodríguez Martínez, A., Medrano Samaniego, C.. Media, information literacy: a measurement instrument for adolescents), Educational Review, .


José Planells, A.. Video games, the crowdfunding ideology: From the gamer-buyer to the prosumer-investor), Journal of Consumer Culture, .


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