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引述 Web of Science
Cecilia Elisondo, Romina; Silvio Donolo, Danilo. Creativity and Information Literacy. The Challenge in Four Proposals PANORAMA, 2014.
Sureda-Negre, Jaume; Comas-Forgas, Ruben; Oliver-Trobat, Miquel F.. Academic Plagiarism among Secondary and High School Students: Differences in Gender and Procrastination COMUNICAR, 2015.
Aguaded, Ignacio; Romero-Rodriguez, Luis M.. Mediamorphosis and misinformation in the infosphere: media, digital and information literacy face of changes in information consumption habits EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, 2015.
Medeiros Ribeiro, Leila Alves; Goncalves Dias Gasque, Kelley Cristine. Information and Media Literacy for teachers who teach in the 21st century EM QUESTAO, 2015.
Eder Guzman-Mendoza, Jose; Munoz-Arteaga, Jaime; Eduardo Munoz-Zavala, Angel; Santaolaya-Salgado, Rene. An Interactive Ecosystem of Digital Literacy Services: Oriented to Reduce the Digital Divide INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SYSTEMS APPROACH, 2015.
Andrada Sola, Pablo. State of the art in teacher training in media education COMUNICACION Y MEDIOS, 2015.
Frias-Guzman, Maylin. Multiliteracy trends in the twenty-first century: Media and Information Literacy (AMI) as integrative proposal PERSPECTIVAS EM CIENCIA DA INFORMACAO, 2015.
de-Casas-Moreno, Patricia; Maraver-Lopez, Pablo; Aguaded, Ignacio;. Content Analysis of Sensationalist Spanish Public Television: A Proposal of a Questionnaire to Measure Audience Habits REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS , 2016.
Romero-Rodriguez, Luis M.; Torres-Toukoumidis, Angel; Amor Perez-Rodriguez, M.; Aguaded, Ignacio. Analfanauts and Fourth Screen: Lack of Infodiets and Media and Information Literacy in Latin American University Students FONSECA-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2016.
Sundin, Olof; Carlsson, Hanna. Outsourcing trust to the information infrastructure in schools How search engines order knowledge in education practices JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION, 2016.
Fernandez-Ramos, Andres. Success factors in online information literacy tutorials. Systematic review REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 2016.
Jabeen, Munazza; Yun, Liu; Rafiq, Muhammad; Jabeen, Misbah; Tahir, Muhammad Azam. Information literacy in academic and research libraries of Beijing, China: Practices, methods and problems INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT, 2016.
De Abreu, Belinha S.; Mihailidis, Paul; Lee, Alice Y. L.; Melki, Jad; McDougall, Julian. Arc of Research and Central Issues in Media Literacy Education INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF MEDIA LITERACY EDUCATION, 2017.
Pavon, Manuel; Pavon, Francisco. The Use of ICT and the 4P's of Creativity and Innovation in Education HANDBOOK OF THE MANAGEMENT OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 2017.
Hernandez-Amoros, M. J.; Urrea-Solano, M. E.; Ripoll-Ferrandiz, J.. PLAGIARISM IN ACADEMIC WORK BY STUDENT TEACHERS EDULEARN Proceedings, 2017.
Sorgo, Andrej; Bartol, Tomaz; Dolnicar, Danica; Boh Podgornik, Bojana. Attributes of digital natives as predictors of information literacy in higher education BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 2017.
Garcia Umana, Edwin Andres. Social and educational impact of contemporary digital media behavior: Nomophobia, causes and consequences DILEMAS CONTEMPORANEOS-EDUCACION POLITICA Y VALORES, 2017.
Macia Bordalba, Monica; Garreta Bochaca, Jordi. Access and digital literacy: barriers of the integration of ICT in family/school communication RIE-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA, 2018.
Cvetkovic, Biljana Novkovic; Stosic, Lazar; Belousova, Alla. Media and Information Literacy - the Basis for Applying Digital Technologies in Teaching from the Discourse of Educational Needs of Teachers CROATIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION-HRVATSKI CASOPIS ZA ODGOJ I OBRAZOVANJE, 2018.
Gutierrez Martin, Alfonso; Torrego Gonzalez, Alba. Media Education Teaching and Learning. A Proposal for Teacher Training in ICT and Media REVISTA INTERUNIVERSITARIA DE FORMACION DEL PROFESORADO-RIFOP, 2018.
Jose Garcia-Penalvo, Francisco. Emerging Information Technology Trends Preface JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, 2018.
Palomares-Montero, Davinia; Chisvert-Tarazona, Maria-Jose. Cooperative learning: a methodological innovation in teacher training CULTURA Y EDUCACION, 2016.
#EANF#; . The Media Education in Secondary School from the curricular designs Entramado, 2019.
引述 Scopus
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