


在这篇论文里,我们分析了布宜诺斯艾利斯市青少年在脸书(Facebook)平台上的一般使用情况。从对30个深度采访、24个月每日虚拟观察和200个脸书(Facebook)用户简介的技术发展水平和实验证据的评审来看,两种青少年团体都把社交网络作为他们的娱乐交流中心。同时,他们对脸书(Facebook)网站内部的首要使用目的在于自我展示、朋友间互换个人信息、寻找性爱情感关系和探寻他们的群属性与身份感的不同方面。我们考察了青少年之间最“火”的帖子(图片和个人文字),另外,我们描述了他们最顽皮的通讯交流,包括- 聊天、状态升级、制作/消费图片和实时视频观看。在这种意义上,我们承认,这个人群日常使用这些资源就是分享亲密互动,以增加同伴之间的社交和达到网站内外更高的露面程度。因此,通过研究青少年传到脸书(Facebook)时间轴上的图像,迹象显示:性别表现的传统模式与新的男子气概和女性特质形式之间有冲突。


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引述 Web of Science


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引述 Scopus

Linne, J.W., Angilletta, M.F.. Violence in social networks: An exploration of the online expressions of teens from marginalized areas of Greater Buenos Aires [Violencia en la red social: Una indagación de expresiones online en adolescentes de sectores populares marginalizados del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires]), Salud Colectiva, .


Oberst, U., Chamarro, A., Renau, V.. Gender stereotypes 2.0: Self-representations of adolescents on facebook), Comunicar, .


Sarabia, I., Estévez, A.. Sexualized behaviors on Facebook), Computers in Human Behavior, .


Chandrakar, P.. Social jetlag in school students: evidence to suggest that sleep deprivation during work days is common), Biological Rhythm Research, .


Way, A.K., Redden, S.M.. The study of youth online: A critical review, agenda), Review of Communication, .


Bittner, V. . Portraits of women: Mexican and chilean stereotypes in digital advertising), Communication and Society, .


Cava, M.-J., Martínez-Ferrer, B., Buelga, S., Carrascosa, L. . Sexist attitudes, romantic myths, and offline dating violence as predictors of cyber dating violence perpetration in adolescents), Computers in Human Behavior, .


Linne, J.. Multimacy": Performances of intimacy on facebook by buenos aires adolescents"), Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, .


Linne, J.. After the expansion of home internet: Adolescents from popular sectors, cibers in the city of Buenos Aires [Después de la ampliación de la internet hogareña: Los adolescentes de sectores populares y los cibers en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires]), Signo y Pensamiento, .


Balanza, T.V., Martín, I.S.-L., Parra, C.R. . Identidades digitales en WhatsApp. La representación del género entre la población universitaria), Analisi, .


Martínez-Sanz, R. . Communication of minor influencers: Measuring their impact in the medium term | [La comunicación de los influencers menores de edad: Medición de su impacto en el medio plazo]), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .


Cortés-Ramos, A., Torrecilla García, J.A., Landa-Blanco, M., Poleo Gutiérrez, F.J., Castilla Mesa, M.T.. Activism and social media: Youth participation and communication), Sustainability , .


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