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引述 Web of Science


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Ruas Araujo, Xose; Puentes-Rivera, Ivan; Direito-Rebollal, Sabela. Eye Tracking: Methodological and Theoretical Review Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017.


Cuesta-Cambra, Ubaldo; Nino-Gonzalez, Jose Ignacio; Rodriguez-Terceno, Jose. The Cognitive Processing of an Educational App with Electroencephalogram and "Eye Tracking" COMUNICAR, 2017.


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Munoz, Yaromir; Lopez Gallego, Francisco; Arias Salazar, Alejandro; Serna Rodriguez, Maribel. Selling of Products: The Use of Single-Electrode Wireless EEG in Consumer Behavior INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2019.


King, Andy J.; Bol, Nadine; Cummins, R. Glenn; John, Kevin K.. Improving Visual Behavior Research in Communication Science: An Overview, Review, and Reporting Recommendations for Using Eye-Tracking Methods COMMUNICATION METHODS AND MEASURES, 2019.


Silva, Telmo; Oliveira, Rita; Abreu, Jorge; Almeida, Margarida; Santos, Rita; Almeida, Pedro. EyeSenior getting information adjusted to seniors with blindness or low vision Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2019.

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Cuesta-Cambra, Ubaldo; Martinez-Martinez, Luz; Nino-Gonzalez, Jose-Ignacio. An analysis of pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine information on social networks and the Internet: Visual and emotional patterns PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2019.


Manas-Viniegra, Luis; Veloso, Ana-Isabel; Cuesta, Ubaldo. Fashion Promotion on Instagram with Eye Tracking: Curvy Girl Influencers Versus Fashion Brands in Spain and Portugal SUSTAINABILITY, 2019.


Manas-Viniegra, Luis; Nunez-Gomez, Patricia; Tur-Vines, Victoria;. Neuromarketing as a strategic tool for predicting how Instagramers have an influence on the personal identity of adolescents and young people in Spain HELIYON , 2020.


Manas-Viniegra, Luis; Gonzalez-Villa, Igor-Alejandro; Llorente-Barroso, Carmen;. The Corporate Purpose of Spanish Listed Companies: Neurocommunication Research Applied to Organizational Intangibles FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY , 2020.


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Mengual-Recuerda, Ana; Tur-Vines, Victoria; Juarez-Varon, David;. Neuromarketing in Haute Cuisine Gastronomic Experiences FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY , 2020.


Manas-Viniegra, Luis; Garcia-Garcia, Alberto; Martin-Moraleda, Ignacio J.;. Audience Attention and Emotion in News Filmed with Drones: A Neuromarketing Research MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION , 2020.


Sanchez-Nunez, P; Cobo, MJ; (...); Herrera-Viedma, E. Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Understanding in Advertising: A Bibliometric Analysis IEEE ACCESS, 2020.


David, Juarez-Varon; Ana, Mengual-Recuerda; Santiago, Ferrandiz-Bou;. Aspects of Industrial Design and Their Implications for Society. Case Studies on the Influence of Packaging Design and Placement at the Point of Sale APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2021.


Juarez, David; Tur-Vines, Victoria; Mengual, Ana;. Neuromarketing Applied to Educational Toy Packaging FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY , 2020.


Manas-Viniegra, Luis; Santos-Silva, Dora; Liberal-Ormaechea, Sheila;. The Visual-Digital Identity of Corporate Brands: A Study of Neuromarketing in Young People from Spain and Portugal TRIPODOS , 2020.

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引述 Scopus

Rúas Araújo, X., Puentes-Rivera, I., Direito-Rebollal, S.. Eye tracking: Methodological, theoretical review), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, .


Cuesta-Cambra, U., Martínez-Martínez, L., Niño-González, J.-I.. An analysis of pro-vaccine, antivaccine information on social networks, the internet: Visual, emotional patterns), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Muñoz, Y., Gallego, F.L., Salazar, A.A., Rodríguez, M.S.. Selling of products: The use of single-electrode wireless EEG in consumer behavior), International Journal of Psychological Research, .


Silva, T., Oliveira, R., Abreu, J., Almejda, M., Santos, R., Almeida, P.. Eye senior getting information adjusted to seniors with blindness or low vision), Iberian Conference on Information Systems, Technologies, CISTI, .


Mañas-Viniegra, L., Veloso, A.-I., Cuesta, U.. Fashion promotion on instagram with eye tracking: Curvy girl influencers versus fashion brands in Spain, Portugal), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


King, A.J., Bol, N., Cummins, R.G., John, K.K.. Improving Visual Behavior Research in Communication Science: An Overview, Review,, Reporting Recommendations for Using Eye-Tracking Methods), Communication Methods and Measures, .


Mañas-Viniegra, L., Núñez-Gómez, P., Tur-Viñes, V. . Neuromarketing as a strategic tool for predicting how Instagramers have an influence on the personal identity of adolescents and young people in Spain), Heliyon, .


Cuesta-Cambra, U., Nino-González, J.I., Rodríguez-Terceno, J.. The cognitive processing of an educational app with electroencephalogram, eye tracking""), Comunicar, .


Mañas-Viniegra, L., González-Villa, I.-A., Llorente-Barroso, C. . The Corporate Purpose of Spanish Listed Companies: Neurocommunication Research Applied to Organizational Intangibles), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Sanchez-Nunez, P., Cobo, M.J., Heras-Pedrosa, C.D.L., Pelaez, J.I., Herrera-Viedma, E. . Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Understanding in Advertising: A Bibliometric Analysis), IEEE Access, .


Juárez-Varón, D., Tur-Viñes, V., Rabasa-Dolado, A., Polotskaya, K. . An adaptive machine learning methodology applied to neuromarketing analysis: Prediction of consumer behaviour regarding the key elements of the packaging design of an educational toy), Social Sciences, .


Juarez, D., Tur-Viñes, V., Mengual, A. . Neuromarketing Applied to Educational Toy Packaging), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Mañas-Viniegra, L., García-García, A., Martín-Moraleda, I.J. . Audience attention and emotion in news filmed with drones: A neuromarketing research), Media and Communication, .


David, J.-V., Ana, M.-R., Santiago, F.-B., Faustino, A.-V. . Aspects of industrial design and their implications for society. Case studies on the influence of packaging design and placement at the point of sale), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), .


Mañas-Viniegra, L., Santos-Silva, D., Liberal-Ormaechea, S. . The visual-digital identity of corporate brands: A study of neuromarketing in young people from Spain and Portugal), Tripodos, .


Mengual-Recuerda, A., Tur-Viñes, V., Juárez-Varón, D., Alarcón-Valero, F. . Emotional impact of dishes versus wines on restaurant diners: From haute cuisine open innovation), Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, .


Alvino, L., Pavone, L., Abhishta, A., Robben, H. . Picking Your Brains: Where and How Neuroscience Tools Can Enhance Marketing Research), Frontiers in Neuroscience, .


Rosado, M., Abásolo, M.J., Silva, T. . ICT Oriented to the Elderly and Their Active Aging: A Systematic Review), Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, .


Alsharif, A.H., Salleh, N.Z.M., Baharun, R., Abuhassna, H., Hasheme, A.R.. A global research trends of neuromarketing: 2015-2020), Revista de Comunicacion, .


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