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Tablet, second language learning, handwriting, typing, multiple-choice, vocabulary, memorization, spelling


Mobile technologies are increasingly finding their way into classroom practice. While these technologies can create opportunities that may facilitate learning, including the learning of a second or foreign language (L2), the full potential of these new media often remains underexploited. A case in point concerns tablet applications for language practice: while tablets allow writing, as in pen-and-paper exercises, current applications typically offer multiple-choice exercises or fill-in-the-blank exercises that require typing and tapping. This change in medium and practice modality might have an impact on the actual second language-learning. Based on the embodied cognition perspective, this study hypothesizes that, for the learning of French L2 vocabulary, writing leads to better memorization, spelling, and use of diacritics in comparison with typing and completing multiple-choice exercises. This hypothesis is tested in a quasi-experimental classroom-based study in which learners (N=282) practiced French vocabulary on a tablet in one of three modalities: multiple choice, typing, and writing by means of a stylus. Whereas all three practice modalities aided learning, results show that pupils who had practiced vocabulary by writing or typing obtained higher scores on spelling and use of diacritics than the pupils who had practiced by means of multiple choice. Spending more time on learning vocabulary at a higher processing level leads thus to greater vocabulary gains.

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Vargas Guativa, Javier Andres; Guapacho Castro, Joseph James; Isaza Dominguez, Lauren Genith; . Mobile Robotics: An Innovative Strategy in The Teaching And Learning Process REVISTA VIRTUAL UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL NORTE, 2017.


Bisquerra Alzina, Rafael; Filella Guiu, Gemma; . Analysis of emotional vocabulary in language teachers REVISTA ELECTRONICA INTERUNIVERSITARIA DE FORMACION DEL PROFESORADO, 2018.


Ricoy, Maria-Carmen; Sanchez-Martinez, Cristina; Feliz-Murias, Tiberio; . A Tablet in School and Family Context Key themes in qualitative research: Continuities and change, 2018.


Perez Rodriguez, Maria Amor; Delgado Ponce, Agueda; . EMERGING MOBILE MEDIA IN LANGUAGE TEACHING PRISMA SOCIAL, 2018.


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Ricoy, Maria-Carmen; Sanchez-Martinez, Cristina; . Tablet use in primary education Activaciones de telefonos inteligentes y tabletas con sistemas operativos basados en Android y iOS, 2019.


Wu, Zhenhua; Chiang, Feng-Kuang; . Effect on keyboard-based English word acquisition MODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL, 2019.




Ricoy, Maria-Carmen; Sanchez-Martinez, Cristina; . A systematic review of tablet use in primary education QUALITATIVE RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2020.


Wu, Zhenhua; Chiang, Feng-Kuang; . Effectiveness of keyboard-based English vocabulary practice application on vocational school students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ROBOTICS, 2021.


Arigita-Garcia, Amaya; Sanchez-Cabrero, Roberto; Barrientos-Fernandez, Amelia; Manoso-Pacheco, Lidia; Javier Pericacho-Gomez, F.; . Pre-eminence of determining factors in second language learning: An educator's perspective from Spain HELIYON, 2021.


Sim, J.; Yim, Y.; Kim, K.; . A REVIEW OF THE STYLUS SYSTEM TO ENHANCE USABILITY THROUGH SENSORY FEEDBACK Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2021.


#EANF#; . Students and technological media: use and attitude for lexicon formation Información tecnológica, 2020.


Li, YF and Guan, CQ. Neural Correlates of Handwriting Effects in L2 Learners FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2022.


Цитаты в Scopus

Ricoy, M.-C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., Feliz-Murias, T.. A tablet in school, family context [Tablet u školskom i obiteljskom okruženju]), Croatian Journal of Education, .


Rodríguez, M.A.P., Ponce, A.D.. Emerging mobile media in language teaching [Medios móviles emergentes en la enseñanza de lenguas]), Prisma Social, .

Link Google Scholar

Yang, X., Wu, Z., Feng-Kuang, C.. Game design, learners'attitude based on keyboard-vocabulary-learning-method), ICCE 2018 - 26th International Conference on Computers in Education, Workshop Proceedings, .

Link Google Scholar

Ricoy, M.-C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., Feliz-Murias, T.. Credibility versus fake news in digital newspapers on tablets in primary education [Credibilidad versus falsedad de las noticias de periódicos digitales sobre la tableta en la Educación Primaria]), Cultura y Educacion, .


Wu, Z., Chiang, F.-K.. Effect on keyboard-based English word acquisition), Interactive Learning Environments, .


Ricoy, M.-C., Sánchez-Martínez, C.. Tablet use in primary education), Technology, Pedagogy, Education, .


Ricoy, M.-C., Sánchez-Martínez, C. . A systematic review of tablet use in primary education | [Revisión sistemática sobre el uso de la tableta en la etapa de educación primaria]), Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, .


Villalba-Condori, K., Avello-Martínez, R., Berrios-Espezua, M., Castro-Cuba-Sayco, S. . Students and technological media: Use and attitude for lexicon formation | [Estudiantes y medios tecnológicos: Uso y actitud para la formación del lexicón]), Informacion Tecnologica, .


Arigita-García, A., Sánchez-Cabrero, R., Barrientos-Fernández, A., Mañoso-Pacheco, L., Pericacho-Gómez, F.J. . Pre-eminence of determining factors in second language learning: An educator's perspective from Spain), Heliyon, .


Sim, J., Yim, Y., Kim, K. . A review of the stylus system to enhance usability through sensory feedback), South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, .


Wu, Z., Chiang, F.-K. . Effectiveness of keyboard-based English vocabulary practice application on vocational school students), Interactive Learning Environments, .


Schenker, T., Kraemer, A. . Maximizing l2 speaking practice through ipads), #EANF#, .


Li, Y., Guan, C.Q.. Neural Correlates of Handwriting Effects in L2 Learners), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Цитаты в Google Scholar

Schenker, T., & Kraemer, A. (2017). Maximizing L2 speaking practice through iPads. Languages, 2(2), 6.


Ricoy, M. C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., & Feliz-Murias, T. (2018). A Tablet in School and Family Context. Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 20(4), 1353-1379.


Rodríguez, M. A. P., & Ponce, Á. D. (2018). Medios móviles emergentes en la enseñanza de lenguas. Prisma Social: revista de investigación social, (20), 114-128.




Ricoy, M. C., & Sánchez-Martínez, C. (2019). Tablet use in primary education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 1-16.


Hooft, H., Gobyn, S., & Van den Branden, K. VROEGE START?.


Ricoy, M. C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., & Feliz-Murias, T. (2018). Tablet u školskom i obiteljskom okruženju. Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 20(4), 1353-1379.


Vargas Guativa, J. A., Guapacho Castro, J. J., & Isaza Domínguez, L. G. (2017). Robótica móvil: una estrategia innovadora en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte, (52), 100-118.


Ricoy, M. C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., & Feliz-Murias, T. (2019). Credibility versus fake news in digital newspapers on tablets in primary education/Credibilidad versus falsedad de las noticias de periódicos digitales sobre la tableta en la Educación Primaria. Cultura y Educación, 1-30.


Ruiperez, G., García, J. C. C., & Arko, G. P. (2017). Strategies for fostering autonomous language learning through the use of mobile devices (mobile learning). IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (8), 281-292.


Guativa, J. A. V., Castro, J. J. G., & Domínguez, L. G. I. (2017). Robótica móvil: una estrategia innovadora en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte, (52), 100-118.


Ricoy, M. C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., & Feliz-Murias, T. (2019). Credibility versus fake news in digital newspapers on tablets in primary education/Credibilidad versus falsedad de las noticias de periódicos digitales sobre la tableta en la Educación Primaria. Cultura y Educación, 31(2), 296-325.


Ricoy, M. C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., & Feliz-Murias, T. (2018). A tablet in school and family context. Croatian journal of education, 20(4), 1353-1379.


Ricoy, M. C., & Sánchez-Martínez, C. (2019). Tablet use in primary education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 28(3), 301-316.


Wu, Z., & Chiang, F. K. (2019). Effect on keyboard-based English word acquisition. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-13.


Conde, M. I. N. (2017). O Tablet como Forma de Dinamização na Aquisição de Vocabulário na Aula de Inglês no 1´ Ciclo (Doctoral dissertation).




Powers, C. (2019). The Use of Apps in Foreign Language Education: A Survey-Driven Study. North Texas Journal of Undergraduate Research, 1(1).



Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Van-Hove, S., Vanderhoven, E., & Cornillie, F. (2017). The tablet for second language vocabulary learning: Keyboard, stylus or multiple choice. [La tablet para el aprendizaje de vocabulario en segundas lenguas: Teclado, lápiz digital u opción múltiple]. Comunicar, 50, 53-63. https://doi.org/10.3916/C50-2017-05



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