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引述 Web of Science

Oro, Bernat; Diez-Palomar, Javier. Learning of Digital Competences in Vulnerable Groups through Interactive Groups RASP-RESEARCH ON AGEING AND SOCIAL POLICY, 2018.


Sanchez-Antolin, Pablo; Andres Viloria, Carmen; Paredes Labra, Joaquin. The role of the family in the development of digital competence. Analysis of four cases DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2018.

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Tur-Porcar, Ana M.; Domenech, Anna; Jimenez, Javier. Achievement perceived, parenting, internet use and adolescent behavior REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGIA, 2019.


Santana-Vega, Lidia-E.; Gomez-Munoz, Ana-Maria; Feliciano-Garcia, Luis; . Adolescents problematic mobile phone use, Fear of Missing Out and family communication COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2019.


Gamito Gomez, Rakel; Aristizabal Llorente, Pilar; Vizcarra Morales, Maria Teresa; . MULTI-SCREEN SOCIETY: AN EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGE FOR FAMILY AND SCHOOL PRISMA SOCIAL, 2019.


Lopez-De-Ayala, Maria-Cruz; Martinez-Pastor, Esther; Catalina-Garcia, Beatriz. New strategies of parental mediation in the use of social networks by adolescents PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2019.


Martinez-Ferrer, Belen; Leon-Moreno, Celeste; Musitu-Ferrer, Daniel; Romero-Abrio, Ana; Callejas-Jeronimo, Juan Evaristo; Musitu-Ochoa, Gonzalo; . Parental Socialization, School Adjustment and Cyber-Aggression among Adolescents BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 2019.


Veronica Alderete; Maria;. Examining the drivers of internet use among the poor: The case of Bahia Blanca city in Argentina TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY , 2019.


Alonso-Ferreiro, Almudena; Regueira, Uxia; Zapico-Barbeito, Maria-Helena; . Pre-teens students' attitudes about e-safety: an analysis from a gender perspective Competencia Digital y Escuela. Estudio de Caso Etnografico en dos CEIP de Galicia [USC], 2019.


Gallardo Fernandez, Isabel Maria; De Castro Calvo, Ana; Saiz Fernandez, Hector; . Interaction and use of technologies in teaching and learning processes EDUCATIO SIGLO XXI, 2020.


Jimenez-Morales, Monika; Montana, Mireia; Medina-Bravo, Pilar;. Childhood use of mobile devices: Influence of mothers' socio-educational level COMUNICAR , 2020.


Steinfeld; Nili;. Parental mediation of adolescent Internet use: Combining strategies to promote awareness, autonomy and self-regulation in preparing youth for life on the web EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES , 2020.


Reyes, CEG and Avello-Martinez, R. Digital literacy in education. Systematic review of scientific production in Scopus RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 0.


Linde-Valenzuela, T; Guillen-Gamez, FD and Devitt, A. Digital Literacy of Teachers, Families, and Students for Virtual Participation in School: A Multiple Comparison Analysis IEEE REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIAS DEL APRENDIZAJE-IEEE RITA, 2022.


Pons-Salvador, G; Zubieta-Mendez, X and Frias-Navarro, D. Parents' digital competence in guiding and supervising young children's use of the Internet EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2022.


Pousada, M; Malo, S; (...); Gomez-Zuniga, B. Family Context Surrounding the Use of Technologies and Their Impact in Adolescents' Media Multitasking JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES, 2021.




Lopez-de-Ayala, MC; Polite, C and Martin-Nieto, R. Parental mediation and digital skills of adolescents in the Community of Madrid: skills and performance REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2021.


引述 Scopus

Sánchez-Antolín, P., Viloria, C.A., Labra, J.P.. The role of the family in the development of digital competence. Analysis of four cases [El papel de la familia en el desarrollo de la competencia digital. Análisis de cuatro casos]), Digital Education Review, .

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Ruiz, Y.P., Nieto, R.M., Vozmediano, M.M.. Patterns of use, parental control, access to information for adolescents in the network [Patrones de uso, control parental y acceso a la información de los adolescentes en la red]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .


Tur-Porcar, A.M., Doménech, A., Jiménez, J.. Achievement perceived, parenting, internet use, adolescent behavior [Eficacia académica percibida, crianza, uso de internet y comportamiento en la adolescencia]), Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia, .


Santana-Vega, L.-E., Gómez-Muñoz, A.-M., Feliciano-García, L.. Adolescents problematic mobile phone use, Fear of Missing Out, family communication), Comunicar, .


López-De-ayala, M.-C., Martínez-Pastor, E., Catalina-García, B.. New strategies of parental mediation in the use of social networks by adolescents [Nuevas estrategias de mediación parental en el uso de las redes sociales por adolescentes]), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Gomez, R.G., Llorente, P.A., Morales, M.T.V.. Multi-screen society: An educational challenge for family, school [Sociedad multipantalla: un reto educativo para familia y escuela]), Prisma Social, .

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Martínez-Ferrer, B., León-Moreno, C., Musitu-Ferrer, D., Romero-Abrio, A., Callejas-Jerónimo, J.E., Musitu-Ochoa, G.. Parental socialization, school adjustment, cyber-aggression among adolescents), International Journal of Environmental Research, Public Health, .


Alderete, M.V.. Examining the drivers of internet use among the poor: The case of Bahía Blanca city in Argentina), Technology in Society, .


Jiménez-Morales, M., Montaña, M., Medina-Bravo, P. . Childhood use of mobile devices: Influence of mothers' socio-educational level), Comunicar, .


Alonso-Ferreiro, A., Regueira, U., Zapico-Barbeito, M.-H. . Pre-teens students’ attitudes about e-safety: An analysis from a gender perspective | [Actitudes de alumnado preadolescente ante la seguridad digital: Un análisis desde la perspectiva de género]), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Steinfeld, N. . Parental mediation of adolescent Internet use: Combining strategies to promote awareness, autonomy and self-regulation in preparing youth for life on the web), Education and Information Technologies, .


Reyes, C.E.G., Avello-Martínez, R. . Digital literacy in education. Systematic review of scientific production in Scopus | [Alfabetización digital en la educación. Revisión sistemática de la producción científica en SCOPUS]), Revista de Educacion a Distancia, .


Belmonte, M.L., Muñoz, J.S.A., Hernandez-Prados, M.A. . ITC and family leisure during confinement: Agents involved | [TIC e lazer familiar durante o confinamento: agentes envolvidos]), Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, .


Linde-Valenzuela, T., Guillen-Gamez, F.D., Devitt, A.. Digital Literacy of Teachers, Families, and Students for Virtual Participation in School: A Multiple Comparison Analysis), Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, .


Pons-Salvador, G., Zubieta-Méndez, X., Frias-Navarro, D.. Parents’ digital competence in guiding and supervising young children's use of the Internet), European Journal of Communication, .


López-De-ayala, M.C., Ponte, C., Martín-Nieto, R. . Parental mediation and digital skills of adolescents in the community of madrid: Skills and performance | [Mediación parental y habilidades digitales de los adolescentes de la comunidad de madrid: Competencias y desempeño]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Albarello, F.J., Velasco-Ossandón, A., Castro-Sánchez, M., (...), Novaro-Hueyo, M.V., Narbáis, F.. Family dynamics around online social games: The Fortnite case), Signo y Pensamiento, .


Pousada, M., Malo, S., Viñas, F., Martín-Perpiñá, M., Gómez-Zúñiga, B.. Family Context Surrounding the Use of Technologies and Their Impact in Adolescents’ Media Multitasking), Journal of Family Issues, .


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Santana-Vega, L. E., Gómez-Muñoz, A. M., & Feliciano-García, L. (2019). Adolescents problematic mobile phone use, Fear of Missing Out and family communication/Uso problemático del móvil, fobia a sentirse excluido y comunicación familiar de los adolescentes. Comunicar, 27(59), 39-47.


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Antolín, P. S., de Andrés Viloria, C., & Labra, J. P. (2018). El papel de la familia en el desarrollo de la competencia digital. Análisis de cuatro casos. Digital Education Review, (34), 44-58.


Vivas Herrera, J. A. (2018). Diagnóstico de factibilidad participativa de padres de familia con hijos en educación inicial de una institución fiscal en la ciudad de Quito en cursos de formación en línea como recurso para mejorar su educación familiar (Bachelor's thesis).


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Gomez, R. G., Llorente, P. A., & Morales, M. T. V. (2019). Sociedad multipantalla: un reto educativo para familia y escuela. Revista Prisma Social, (25), 398-423.


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