Ключевые слова
Collaborative learning, Internet, information, competence, university, students, literacy, digital culture
Wikipedia is a widely used resource by university students, but it is not necessarily regarded as being reliable and trustworthy by them, nor is it seen as a context in which to make content contributions. This paper presents a teaching and research project that consisted in having students edit or create Wikipedia articles and testing whether or not this experience changed their perceived value of the platform. We conducted our experience at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) and University of Niš (Niš, Serbia) with a total number of 240 students. These students edited articles and answered two questionnaires, one before and one after the exercise. We compared the pre and post experience answers to the questionnaires with a series of paired samples ttests, through which our data showed that students did significantly change their perception of reliability and usefulness, and of likeliness of finding false information on Wikipedia. Their appreciation of the task of writing Wikipedia articles, in terms of it being interesting and challenge also increased. They did not significantly change, however, their judgement on the social value of the platform, neither in the university nor in the general context. In addition, the open questions and informal feedback allowed us to gather valuable insights towards the evaluation of the overall experience
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Получила: 30-05-2017
пересмотренный: 20-06-2017
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OnlineFirst: 15-11-2017
Дата публикации: 01-01-2018
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Цитаты в Web of Science
Meseguer-Artola, Antoni; Rodriguez-Ardura, Inma; Ammetller, Gisela; Rimbau-Gilabert, Eva; Visvizi, A; Lytras, MD; . Learning with Wikipedia in Higher Education: Academic Performance and Students' Quality Perception RESEARCH & INNOVATION FORUM 2019: TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, EDUCATION, AND THEIR SOCIAL IMPACT, 2019.
Briseno Senosiain, Lillian; . The challenges of academic history in the digital age HISTORIA Y MEMORIA, 2021.
Obregon Sierra, Angel; Gonzalez Fernandez, Natalia. Female university students in the Spanish Wikipedia PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION, 2019.
Infante-Moro, Alfonso; Infante-Moro, Juan-Carlos; Gallardo-Perez, Julia. The Importance of ICTs for Students as a Competence for their Future Professional Performance: the Case of the Faculty of Business Studies and Tourism of the University of Huelva JOURNAL OF NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2019.
Valverde-Crespo, Daniel; Gonzalez-Sanchez, Joaquin; de Pro-Bueno, Antonio. Wikipedia at University: How do it use 1st year college students of Degrees in the area of Experimental Sciences use it? A study of their perceptions REVISTA EUREKA SOBRE ENSENANZA Y DIVULGACION DE LAS CIENCIAS, 2019.
Kingsland, Emily S.; Isuster, Marcela Y.;. A Different Ball Game: Physical Education Students' Experiences in Librarian-led Wikipedia Assignments JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP , 2020.
Conde, Angel; Arruarte, Ana; Larranaga, Mikel;. How can wikipedia be used to support the process of automatically building multilingual domain modules? a case study INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT , 2020.
Garcia-Martin, Sheila; Canton-Mayo, Isabel; . Use of technologies and academic performance in adolescent students INT C INF ED TECHN N, 2019.
Amina, Wazzuha; Warraich, Nosheen Fatima; Malik, Amara;. Usage of and learning from Wikipedia: a study of university students in Pakistan GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE MEMORY AND COMMUNICATION , 2020.
Claes, Florencia; Deltell, Luis;. Wikipedia and universities: collaborative work regarding Ibero-American universities REVISTA DE EDUCACION , 2020.
Meseguer-Artola, Antoni; Rodriguez-Ardura, Inma; Ammetller, Gisela; Rimbau-Gilabert, Eva; . Academic impact and perceived value of Wikipedia as a primary learning resource in higher education 8 AS PAC INT RES ACC, 2020.
Bryzgalin, Evgenij A.; Voiskounsky, Alexander E.; Kozlovskiy, Stanislav A.;. Psychological characteristics of the organizational behavior of Wikipedia online volunteers: a theoretical review ORGANIZATSIONNAYA PSIKOLOGIYA , 2020.
Garcia-Martin, Sheila; Canton-Mayo, Isabel; . Validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the use of technologies for knowledge management in secondary students REVISTA FUENTES, 2020.
Obregon-Sierra, Angel; Gonzalez-Fernandez, Natalia;. Wikipedia at the spanish faculties of education. The vision of university students ALTERIDAD-REVISTA DE EDUCACION , 2020.
Amina, W and Warraich, NF. Use and trustworthiness of Wikipedia information: students' perceptions and reflections DIGITAL LIBRARY PERSPECTIVES, 2022.
Ferran-Ferrer, N; Castellanos-Pineda, P; (...); Meneses, J. The gender gap on the Spanish Wikipedia: Listening to the voices of women editors PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2021.
Stakic, D; Tasic, M; (...); Bogdanovic, M. Students' Attitudes Towards the Use of Wikipedia: A Teaching Tool and a Way to Modernize Teaching AREA ABIERTA, 2021.
Sierra, AO. Editing on Wikipedia: Interests and Motivations of Unemployed People AREA ABIERTA, 2021.
Цитаты в Scopus
Sierra, Á.O., Fernández, N.G.. Female university students in the Spanish Wikipedia [Las universitarias en la Wikipedia en español]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .
Infante-Moro, A., Infante-Moro, J.-C., Gallardo-Pérez, J.. The importance of ICTs for students as a competence for their future professional performance: The case of the Faculty of Business Studies, Tourism of the University of Huelva), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .
García-Martín, S., Cantón-Mayo, I.. Use of technologies, academic performance in adolescent students [Uso de tecnologías y rendimiento académico en estudiantes adolescentes]), Comunicar, .
Meseguer-Artola, A., Rodríguez-Ardura, I., Ammetller, G., Rimbau-Gilabert, E. . Learning with wikipedia in higher education: Academic performance and students’ quality perception), Comunicar, .
Kingsland, E.S., Isuster, M.Y.. A Different Ball Game: Physical Education Students' Experiences in Librarian-led Wikipedia Assignments), Journal of Academic Librarianship, .
Aguilar, H.G.. The APA style in articles indexed in Scopus, Web of Science [El estilo APA en artículos indizados en Scopus y Web of Science]), Revista Electronica de Veterinaria, .
Claes, F., Deltell, L. . Wikipedia and universities: Collaborative work around ibero-american universities | [Wikipedia y universidades: Trabajo colaborativo en torno a universidades iberoamericanas]), Revista de Educacion, .
Meseguer-Artola, A., Rodríguez-Ardura, I., Ammetller, G., Gilabert, E.R. . Academic impact and perceived value of wikipedia as a primary learning resource in higher education), Profesional de la Informacion, .
Valverde-Crespo, D., González-Sánchez, J., de Pro-Bueno, A. . Wikipedia at university: How do it use 1st year college students of Degrees in the area of Experimental Sciences use it? A study of their perceptions | [Wikipedia en la Universidad: ¿Cómo la utilizan los estudiantes de 1ºcurso de Grado de titulaciones del área de Ciencias Experimentales? Un estudio sobre sus percepciones]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .
Amina, W., Warraich, N.F., Malik, A. . Usage of and learning from Wikipedia: a study of university students in Pakistan), Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, .
Petruccoal, C., Ferranti, C. . Wikipedia as oer: The “learning with wikipedia” project), Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, .
Bryzgalin, E.A., Voiskounsky, A.E., Kozlovskiy, S.A. . Psychological characteristics of the organizational behavior of Wikipedia online volunteers: A theoretical review | [Психологическая характеристика организационного поведения онлайн-волонтёров «Википедии»: теоретический обзор]), Organizatsionnaya Psikhologiya, .
Martín-Palacio, M.E., Giusto, C.D., Avilés-Dávila, A., Perlaza, A. . Comparative perception of teaching activity between professors and university students and its impact on academic performance | [Percepción comparada de profesores y alumnos universitarios de la actividad docente y su incidencia en el rendimiento académico]), Formacion Universitaria, .
Briseño Senosiain, L. . The challenges of academic history in the digital age | [Los retos de la historia académica en la era digital]), Historia y Memoria, .
García-Martín, S., Cantón-Mayo, I. . Validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the use of technologies for knowledge management in secondary students | [Validación de un cuestionario para evaluar el uso de tecnologías para la gestión del conocimiento en estudiantes de secundaria]), Revista Fuentes, .
Amina, W., Warraich, N.F.. Use and trustworthiness of Wikipedia information: students’ perceptions and reflections), Digital Library Perspectives, .
Ferran-Ferrer, N., Castellanos-Pineda, P., Minguillón, J., Meneses, J.. The gender gap on the spanish wikipedia: Listening to the voices of women editors), Profesional de la Informacion, .
Obregón, Á., González-Fernández, N.. Do spanish university students use wikipedia correctly?), Revista Lusofona de Educacao, .
Arias-Chávez, D., Ramos-Quispe, T., Lanchipa-Ale, A.P., Rivera-Mansilla, E.B., Vela, J.E.Q.. Evaluation of the Index of Similarity Detected by Turnitin® in Research Projects of a Master's Degree in Higher Education), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, .
Цитаты в Google Scholar
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Infante-Moro, A., Infante-Moro, J. C., & Gallardo-Pérez, J. (2019). The importance of ICTs for students as a competence for their future professional performance: The case of the faculty of business studies and tourism of the University of Huelva. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (NAER Journal), 8(2), 201-213.
Martín-Palacio, M. E., Giusto, C. D., Avilés-Dávila, A., & Perlaza, A. (2020). Percepción comparada de profesores y alumnos universitarios de la actividad docente y su incidencia en el rendimiento académico. Formación universitaria, 13(6), 155-168.
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Альтернативные метрики
Как процитировать
Soler-Adillon, J., Pavlovic, D., & Freixa, P. (2018). Wikipedia in higher education: Changes in perceived value through content contribution. [Wikipedia en la Universidad: cambios en la percepción de valor con la creación de contenidos]. Comunicar, 54, 39-48. https://doi.org/10.3916/C54-2018-04