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引述 Web of Science
Mensa, M; Vernier, M; (...); Sotomayor-Gomez, B. Gender (in)equality in Chilean press: journalists and sources REVISTA DE COMUNICACION-PERU, 2021.
Sixto-Garcia, J; Soengas-Perez, X; (...); Lopez-Garcia, X. Social perception of journalism in Spain ADCOMUNICA-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE ESTRATEGIAS TENDENCIAS E INNOVACION EN COMMUNICACION , 2021.
Tommasi, Francesco; Ceschi, Andrea; Sartori, Riccardo; Gostimir, Marija; Passaia, Giulia; Genero, Silvia; Belotto, Silvia; . Enhancing critical thinking and media literacy in the context of IVET: a systematic scoping review EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT, 2000.
Carcamo-Ulloa, Luis; Cardenas-Neira, Camila; Saez-Trumper, Diego; Toural-Bran, Carlos; . Fake news in Chile and Spain: How do the media tell us about fake news? JOURNAL OF IBERIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH, 2021.
Gil-Quintana, Javier; Cano-Alfaro, Alejandro; . Digital inclusion: a challenge for school organisation. planning and teaching REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2020.
De-la-Garza-Montemayor, Daniel-Javier; Pena-Ramos, Jose-Antonio; Recuero-Lopez, Fatima; . Online political participation of young people in Mexico, Spain and Chile UTOPIA Y PRAXIS LATINOAMERICANA-REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE FILOSOFIA IBEROAMERICANA Y TEORIA SOCIAL, 2019.
Saez, Virginia; . Characteristics of media literacy education at the secondary level: An Argentinian case study ACTUALIDADES PEDAGOGICAS, 2019.
Soengas-Perez, X; Lopez-Cepeda, AM and Sixto-Garcia, J. Media diet, consumption habits and misinformation among Spanish university students REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2019.
Giron-Gambero, JR and Lupion-Cobos, T. Influence of Advertising on Teenagers' Arguments about Food Consumption ENSENANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS, 2022.
引述 Scopus
Aguilar, H.G.. The APA style in articles indexed in Scopus, Web of Science [El estilo APA en artículos indizados en Scopus y Web of Science]), Revista Electronica de Veterinaria, .
Undurraga, R., Becker, J.. Young women workers, pensions in Chile [Mujeres trabajadoras jóvenes y pensiones en Chile]), Psicoperspectivas, .
De-la-Garza-Montemayor, D.-J., Peña-Ramos, J.-A., Recuero-López, F.. Online political participation of young people in Mexico, Spain, Chile), Comunicar, .
GIL-QUINTANA, J., CANO-ALFARO, A. . Digital inclusion: A challenge for school organisation, planning and teaching | [Inclusión digital: Un reto para la organización, planificación y didáctica escolar]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
Soengas-Pérez, X., López-Cepeda, A.M., Sixto-García, J. . Media diet, consumption habits and misinformation among Spanish university students), Comunicar, .
Tommasi, F., Ceschi, A., Sartori, R., (...), Genero, S., Belotto, S. . Enhancing critical thinking and media literacy in the context of IVET: a systematic scoping review), European Journal of Training and Development, .
Mensa, M., Vernier, M., Cárcamo-Ulloa, L., Ruíz, F., Sotomayor-Gómez, B.. Gender (in)equality in Chilean press: Journalists and sources | [(In)Equidad de género en la prensa chilena: Periodistas y fuentes), Revista de Comunicacion, .
Girón-Gambero, J.R., Lupión-Cobos, T. . Influence of Advertising on Teenagers’ Arguments about Food Consumption ), Ensenanza de las Ciencias, .
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