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收到: 30-09-2017
修订: 03-11-2017
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引述 Web of Science
Saiz Echezarreta, Vanesa; Peralta Garcia, Lidia; Martinez Perez, Elena. Alliances of actors and construction of a public arena through transmedia strategy. Analysis of the New Girls 24 Hours project TEKNOKULTURA: REVISTA DE CULTURA DIGITAL Y MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES, 2018.
Punal-Rama, Belen; Tamarit, Ana. Views and speeches: from the watchtower of the media to the voices of prostitution in Ecuador REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2019.
Sanchez Perera, Paula. On freedom in prostitution: three arguments and a strategy from an abolitinist perspective to debate ENCRUCIJADAS-REVISTA CRITICA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2019.
Saiz-Echezarreta; Vanesa;. Mediatisation of public controversies: analysis of Hola Putero campaign concerning prostitution REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION , 2019.
Cardenas-Rebelo, Amy; Alberto Orozeo-Toro, Jaime;. Social advertising and its influence on the perception of social campaigns for the prevention of traffic accidents in Ecuador RETOS-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS DE LA ADMINISTRACION Y ECONOMIA , 2020.
Sierra-Rodriguez, A; Arroyo-Machado, W and Barroso-Hurtado, D. Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene COMUNICAR, 2022.
Herrero-Villoria, C; Picornell-Lucas, A and Patino-Alonso, C. Cultural Adaptation and Validation into Spanish of the Scale to Measure Attitudes Towards the Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Students of the University of Salamanca VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, 2021.
Echezarreta, VS and Garcia, LP. Photojournalism, prostitution and sexual citizenship: hegemonic and emerging chronotopes [2013-2018] ADCOMUNICA-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE ESTRATEGIAS TENDENCIAS E INNOVACION EN COMMUNICACION, 2021.
Echezarreta, VS; Romero, DF and Lopez, MCA. Prostitution and trafficking in the Spanish digital press: comparative analysis of news production CUADERNOS INFO, 2021.
Cabrera-Rodriguez, EC and Antolinez-Merchan, P. Invisibilised human rights: Trafficking in human beings in the media in Spain Comunicar, 2022.
Saez, G; Muniz-Velazquez, JA; (...); Aguilar, P. Are Anti-Prostitution Advertising Campaigns Effective? An Experimental Study SPANISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 2022.
引述 Scopus
Sierra-Rodríguez, A., Arroyo-Machado, W., Barroso-Hurtado, D. . Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene | [La trata de personas en Twitter: Finalidades, actores y temas en la escena hispanohablante]), Comunicar, .
Saiz Echezarreta, V., Romero, D.F., López, M.C.A.. Prostitution and trafficking in the Spanish digital press: comparative analysis of news production), Cuadernos.info, .
Herrero-Villoria, C., Picornell-Lucas, A., Patino-Alonso, C.. Cultural Adaptation and Validation into Spanish of the Scale to Measure Attitudes Towards the Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Students of the University of Salamanca), Violence Against Women, .
Sáez, G., Muñiz-Velázquez, J.A., Corradi, G., Tapia Frade, A.J., Aguilar, P.. Are Anti-Prostitution Advertising Campaigns Effective? An Experimental Study), Spanish Journal of Psychology, .
Cabrera-Rodríguez, E.-C., Antolínez-Merchán, P. . Invisibilised human rights: Trafficking in human beings in the media in Spain), Comunicar, .
引述 Google Scholar
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Saiz-Echezarreta, V., Alvarado, M., & Gómez-Lorenzini, P. (2018). Advocacy of trafficking campaigns: A controversy story. [Incidencia política de las campañas contra la trata: Un relato controvertido]. Comunicar, 55, 29-38. https://doi.org/10.3916/C55-2018-03