Ключевые слова

Dissemination, education, science, children, games, learning, motivation, characters


Although at present there are academic strategies for scientific dissemination, it is still a challenge for the general population to access quality information that is reliable, easy to understand and motivational towards science. This article proposes an image-based educational scientific dissemination tool with the goal of bringing children closer to science, through the recognition of relevant characters and their contributions. The study was developed along three stages. The first and second were conducted through a qualitative analytical approach with an interpretative perspective, using a documental method, with a review and analysis technique. During the first stage, a review and selection of studies related to scientific dissemination for children was conducted. The second one focused on the identification and selection of scientific characters, through the establishment of categories and criteria. The third stage relates to the design of outstanding characters’ biographical cards. The main contribution of this proposal is the assembly of a semantic network to portray a completed character profile, time context, place of origin, contributions, impacts, acknowledgements or prizes, as well as limitations or difficulties in context. Therefore, a mean of disclosure was devised through cards with a highly graphic and animated content regarding scientific characters sized in a gaming strategy called ‘Sapiencia’, a ludic and motivational learning tool.

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