


高等教育辍学率的增加的现象引发了许多人的研究兴趣,因为我们需要应对其对经济,个人和社会带来的影响,也因其发生的程度 – 在西班牙就高达30%。人们对大学课堂中的暴力行为也有相似的研究兴趣,近年来它也一直在增加。有鉴于此,也因为研究表明个人因素对高等教育辍学更有影响力,我们的研究目标就是探索作为霸凌(传统霸凌与网络霸凌)受害者的学生是否更接近于弃修学位课程而辍学。为此,我们要求西班牙北部1,653名念不同学位课程的一年级学生完成一个问卷调查。贝叶斯分析结果显示,霸凌受害的学生比非霸凌受害学生更容易辍学。另外,社会融合相关变量 — 朋友和老师的支持 – 展示出中度效果。这些研究结果提出,急需在大学计划中包纳有关霸凌的介入策略以防止辍学。



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引述 Web of Science

Castro-Lopez, Adrian; Cervero, Antonio; Galve-Gonzalez, Celia; Puente, Javier; Bernardo, Ana B.; . Evaluating critical success factors in the permanence in Higher Education using multi-criteria decision-making OPERATIONS RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES, 2000.


Hashemi, Aminuddin; . Cyberbullying phenomenon: an investigation among Afghan university students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH, 2021.


Maluenda-Albornoz, Jorge; Infante-Villagran, Valeria; Galve-Gonzalez, Celia; Flores-Oyarzo, Gabriela; Berrios-Riquelme, Jose; . Early and Dynamic Socio-Academic Variables Related to Dropout Intention: A Predictive Model Made during the Pandemic ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF E-LEARNING, 2022.


Aparisi, David; Delgado, Beatriz; Bo, Rosa M.; Martinez-Monteagudo, Maria Carmen; . Relationship between Cyberbullying, Motivation and Learning Strategies, Academic Performance, and the Ability to Adapt to University INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH, 2021.


Bernardo, AB; Galve-Gonzalez, C; (...); Tuero, E. Cyberbullying in first-year university students and its influence on their intentions to drop out HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, 2022.




Ferrandiz, DA. Analysis of university dropout in Spain: a bibliometric study REVISTA PUBLICACIONES, 2021.


Redondo-Rodriguez, C; Becerra-Mejias, JA; (...); Rodriguez-Velasco, FJ. Influence of Gamification and Cooperative Work in Peer, Mixed and Interdisciplinary Teams on Emotional Intelligence, Learning Strategies and Life Goals That Motivate University Students to Study Redondo-Rodriguez, C; Becerra-Mejias, JA; (...); Rodriguez-Velasco, FJ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2023.


Maluenda-Albornoz, J; Berrios-Riquelme, J; (...); Lobos-Pena, K. Perceived Social Support and Engagement in First-Year Students: The Mediating Role of Belonging during COVID-19 Sustainability, 2023.


Aparisi, D; Delgado, B and Bo, RM. Latent profiles of cyberbullying among university students and its relationship with social anxiety and aggressiveness EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, 2023.


Ibanez-Cubillas, P; Lopez-Rodriguez, S; (...); Rodriguez, JA . Multicausal analysis of the dropout of university students from teacher training studies in Andalusia FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 2023.


Lopez-Angulo, Y; Saez-Delgado, F; (...); Diaz-Mujica, A . Predictive model of the dropout intention of Chilean university students Frontiers in Psychology, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Castro-Lopez, A., Cervero, A., Galve-González, C., Puente, J., Bernardo, A.B. . Evaluating critical success factors in the permanence in Higher Education using multi-criteria decision-making), Higher Education Research and Development, .


Aparisi, D., Delgado, B., Bo, R.M., Martínez-Monteagudo, M.C. . Relationship between cyberbullying, motivation and learning strategies, academic performance, and the ability to adapt to university), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Hashemi, A. . Cyberbullying phenomenon: an investigation among Afghan university students), Cogent Social Sciences, .


Bernardo, A.B., Galve-González, C., Cervero, A., Tuero, E.. Cyberbullying in first-year university students and its influence on their intentions to drop out), Higher Education Research and Development, .


Maluenda-Albornoz, J., Infante-Villagrán, V., Galve-González, C., Flores-Oyarzo, G., Berríos-Riquelme, J.. Early and Dynamic Socio-Academic Variables Related to Dropout Intention: A Predictive Model Made during the Pandemic), Sustainability , .




Ferrandiz, D.A.. Analysis of university dropout in Spain: a bibliometric study), Publicaciones de la Facultad de Educacion y Humanidades del Campus de Melilla, .


引述 Google Scholar

Castro-Lopez, A., Cervero, A., Galve-González, C., Puente, J., & Bernardo, A. B. (2021). Evaluating critical success factors in the permanence in Higher Education using multi-criteria decision-making. Higher Education Research & Development, 1-19.


大學生休復學歷程之生活適應與恆毅力之研究. 2021. Tesis Doctoral.

Cervero, A., Galve-González, C., Blanco, E., Casanova, J. R., & Bernardo, A. B. Vivencias iniciales en la universidad,¿ cómo afectan al planteamiento de abandono?.





Bernardo, A.B., Tuero, E., Cervero, A., Dobarro, A., & Galve-González, C. (2020). Bullying and cyberbullying: Variables that influence university dropout. [Acoso y ciberacoso: Variables de influencia en el abandono universitario]. Comunicar, 64, 63-72. https://doi.org/10.3916/C64-2020-06



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