


许多机构,社会和政治团体都对与童年早期性化有关的风险做出了警告。他们呼吁媒体在避免创建可能导致儿童性化的内容并使所有受众都可以轻松访问上的责任。为了回应这一呼吁,本研究采取了跨文化的中西合作方式,其重点是分析媒体传播的时尚风格中女孩对性化的看法。研究对750名西班牙(N = 449)和中国(N = 301)的传播与广告专业大学生进行了调查。识别出五个潜在的性化因素,这些因素证实了在女孩时尚风格中感知到的性化是多维现象,是由于多种性化特性的组合使用而发生的。研究证实,原籍国(西班牙或中国)和对性化的认识以及已确定的性化潜在因素有关。最后,就上述因素和原籍国而言,研究获得了一个针对就这种儿童性化行为的认知的解释性和高度预测性的模型。结论表明,有必要加强对传播专业人员和未成年人的培训,以避免通过某些样式风格规则创造女孩性化的形象。



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引述 Web of Science

Dall'Orso, RC; Matus, P and Vergara-Leyton, E. Stereotypes and Sexualization of Girls and Adolescent Girls in Chilean Advertising: A Case Study TRIPODOS, 2021.




Llovet-Rodriguez, C; Narros-Gonzalez, MJ; (...); Ruiz-San Roman, JA. Overexposure and hyper sexualization to increase sells: social perceptions and attitudes about tweens in commercial communications Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Condeza-Dall'Orso, R., Matus, P., Vergara-Leyton, E. . Stereotypes and sexualization of girls and adolescent girls in chilean advertising: A case study), Tripodos, .


Llovet-Rodríguez, C., Narros-González, M.-J., Díaz-Bustamante-ventisca, M., Román, J.A.R.-S. . Overexposure and hyper sexualization to increase sells: social perceptions and attitudes about tweens in commercial communications), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .




Suárez-Álvarez, R., García-Jiménez, A., Urbina Montana, M.L. . Sexualising characteristics of adolescent on TikTok. Comparative study Great Britain–Spain ), Convergence, .


引述 Google Scholar

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Condeza-Dall'Orso, R., Lobos, P. M., & Vergara-Leighton, E. (2021). Stereotypes and sexualization of girls and adolescent girls in Chilean advertising: a case study. Tripodos, (50), 187-204.


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Llovet-Rodríguez, C., Narros-González, M. J., Díaz-Bustamante-Ventisca, M., & Ruiz-San Román, J. A. (2022). Overexposure and hypersexualization to increase sales: social perceptions and attitudes about tweens in commercial communications. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 287-312.





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