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引述 Web of Science

Nunez-Gomez, Patricia; Paul Larranaga, Kepa; Rangel, Celia; Ortega-Mohedano, Felix; . Critical Analysis of the Risks in the Use of the Internet and Social Networks in Childhood and Adolescence Quinto Estudio AIMCNin@s, 2021.


Rangel, Celia; Mongui, Monica; Larranaga, Kepa; Diez, Olga; . BRANDS AS THE AXIS OF SOCIALISATION OF THE ALPHA GENERATION PRISMA SOCIAL, 2021.


Aguaded, Ignacio; Ortiz-Sobrino, Miguel-Angel; . Audiovisual and Multiscreen Education RIED-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2022.


Garcia-Prieto, V; Aguaded, I and Garcia-Rojas, AD. Diversity and public television: analysis of subtitling as an accessibility service COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY-SPAIN, 2022.


Urbano, R and Aguaded, I. Positioning of children's transmedia franchises. Cleo & Cuquin and Piny case studies Doxa Comunicacion, 2022.


Marin-Suelves, D; Becerra-Brito, CV and Rego-Agraso, L. Digital educational resources in early childhood education. Analysing the views of teachers Marin-Suelves, D; Becerra-Brito, CV and Rego-Agraso, L Digital Education Review, 2022.

Link Google Scholar

Larranaga, KP; Monsalve, MMM; (...); Nunez-Gomez, P. Lockdown and Online Communicative Activity of Children in Spain Palabra Clave, 2022.


Guallar, J; Hernandez-Campillo, TR and Codina, L. Content curation in scientific articles. Categories and cases TELOS-REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2022.


Alvarez-Marin, I; Perez-Albeniz, A; (...); Fonseca-Pedrero, E. Assessing Cyberbullying in Adolescence: New Evidence for the Spanish Version of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIP-Q) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Rangel, C., Monguí, M., Larrañaga, K.P., Díez, O. . Brands as the axis of socialisation of the alpha generation | [Las marcas como eje de socialización de la generación alpha]), Prisma Social, .

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Núñez-Gómez, P., Larrañaga, K.P., Rangel, C., Ortega-Mohedano, F. . Critical Analysis of the Risks in the Use of the Internet and Social Networks in Childhood and Adolescence), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Aguaded, I., Ortiz-Sobrino, M.-A. . Audiovisual and multiscreen education | [La educación en clave audiovisual y multipantalla]), Frontiers in Psychology, .


García-Prieto, V., Aguaded, I., García-Rojas, A.D.. Diversity and public television: analysis of subtitling as an accessibility service), Diversity and public television: analysis of subtitling as an accessibility service, .


Larrañaga, K.P., Monsalve, M.M.M., Rangel, C., Núñez-Gómez, P.. Lockdown and Online Communicative Activity of Children in Spain), Palabra Clave, .


Urbano, R., Aguaded, I.. Positioning of children’s transmedia franchises. Cleo & Cuquín and Piny case studies ), Doxa Comunicacion, .


Marín-Suelves, D., Becerra-Brito, C.V., Rego-Agraso, L. . Digital educational resources in early childhood education), Digital Education Review, .


Open Access Rangel-Pérez, C., Botey, M., Carrero, O., Alard, J.. Impact of video games on the strategic use of digital tools for education in primary ), Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, .


Álvarez-Marín, I., Pérez-Albéniz, A., Lucas-Molina, B., Martínez-Valderrey, V., Fonseca-Pedrero, E. . Assessing Cyberbullying in Adolescence: New Evidence for the Spanish Version of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIP-Q) ), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Ibabe, I., Albertos, A., Lopez-del Burgo, C.. Leisure time activities in adolescents predict problematic technology use), European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, .


引述 Google Scholar

Núñez-Gómez, P., Larrañaga, K. P., Rangel, C., & Ortega-Mohedano, F. (2021). Critical Analysis of the Risks in the Use of the Internet and Social Networks in Childhood and Adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 2270.


Rangel, C., Monguí, M., Larrañaga, K. P., & Díez, O. (2021). Las marcas como eje de socialización de la Generación Alpha. Revista Prisma Social, (34), 124-145.


Larrañaga, K. P., Monsalve, M. M. M., Rangel, C., & Núñez-Gómez, P. (2022). Confinamiento y actividad comunicativa en línea de los niños y las niñas en España. Palabra Clave, 25(1), e2519-e2519.


García-Prieto, V., Aguaded, I., & García-Rojas, A. D. (2022). Diversity and public television: analysis of subtitling as an accessibility service. Communication & Society, 121-135.


Digital educational resources in early childhood Education D Marín-Suelves, CV Becerra-Brito… - Digital Education …, 2022 - ruc.udc.es


Assessing Cyberbullying in Adolescence: New Evidence for the Spanish Version of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIP-Q) I Álvarez-Marín, A Pérez-Albéniz… - International Journal of …, 2022 - mdpi.com


Los recursos educativos digitales en educación infantil. Analizando las visiones del profesorado. D Marín-Suelves, CV Becerra-Brito… - Digital Education …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com


Leisure time activities in adolescents predicts problematic technology use I Ibabe, A Albertos, C López-del Burgo - 2022 - researchsquare.com


Curación de contenidos en artículos científicos. Categorías y casos J Guallar, TR Hernández-Campillo… - Telos: Revista de Estudios …, 2022 - ojs.urbe.edu


La educación en clave audiovisual y multipantalla I Aguaded, MA Ortiz-Sobrino - RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de …, 2022 - redalyc.org


Pantallas en tiempos de pandemia: efectos bio-psico-sociales en niñas, niños y adolescentes OR Sas, LC Estrada - Revista Sociedad, 2021 - publicaciones.sociales.uba.ar


Posicionamiento de franquicias infantiles transmedia. Estudio de los casos Cleo & Cuquín y Piny R Urbano, I Aguaded - … . Revista Interdisciplinar de …, 2022 - revistascientificas.uspceu.com





Ortega-Mohedano, F., & Pinto-Hernández, F. (2021). Predicting wellbeing in children’s use of smart screen devices. [Predicción del bienestar sobre el uso de pantallas inteligentes de los niños]. Comunicar, 66, 119-128. https://doi.org/10.3916/C66-2021-10



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