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引述 Web of Science

Rodriguez-Garcia, Antonio-Manuel; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Lopez-Nunez, Juan-Antonio; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; . Do Age and Educational Stage Influence No-Mobile-Phone Phobia? INDIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 2021.


Pozo-Sanchez, Santiago; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Fuentes-Cabrera, Arturo; Lopez-Nunez, Juan-Antonio; . Twitch as a Techno-Pedagogical Resource to Complement the Flipped Learning Methodology in a Time of Academic Uncertainty COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2021.


Dominguez-Lloria, Sara; Fernandez-Aguayo, Sara; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Alvarinas-Villaverde, Myriam; . Effectiveness of a Collaborative Platform for the Mastery of Competencies in the Distance Learning Modality during COVID-19 Rev. Contrib. Cienc. Soc, 2021.


Marin-Marin, JA; Moreno-Guerrero, AJ; (...); Lopez-Belmonte, J. STEAM in education: a bibliometric analysis of performance and co-words in Web of Science INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEM EDUCATION, 2021.


Gao, Hui-Li; . The Impact of Quality of Experience of Chinese College Students on Internet-Based Resources English Learning FUTURE INTERNET, 2021.


Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Parra-Gonzalez, Maria-Elena; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Segura-Robles, Adrian; . Innovating in Nutrition Education: Application of Gamification and Digital Resources in High School Students RETOS-NUEVAS TENDENCIAS EN EDUCACION FISICA DEPORTE Y RECREACION, 2022.


Fourati-Jamoussi, Fatma; Dubois, Michel J. F.; Chedru, Marie; Belhenniche, Geoffroy; . Education for Sustainable Development and Innovation in Engineering School: Students' Perception #EANF#, 2021.


Corell-Almuzara, Alfredo; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Marin-Marin, Jose-Antonio; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; . COVID-19 in the Field of Education: State of the Art IJAZ ARABI JOURNAL OF ARABIC LEARNING, 2021.


Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio J.; Marin-Marin, Jose A.; Parra-Gonzalez, Maria E.; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; . Computer in education in the 21st century. A scientific mapping of the literature in Web of Science CAMPUS VIRTUALES, 2022.


Zamora-Antunano, Marco Antonio; Rodriguez-Resendiz, Juvenal; Cruz-Perez, Miguel Angel; Rodriguez Resendiz, Hugo; Paredes-Garcia, Wilfrido J.; Diaz, Jose Alfredo Gaytan; . Teachers' Perception in Selecting Virtual Learning Platforms: A Case of Mexican Higher Education during the COVID-19 Crisis Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences, 2022.


Chen, Yujuan; Gan, Ning; . Sustainable Development of Employability of University Students Based on Participation in the Internship Promotion Programme of Zhejiang Province J. Manag. Strategy, 2021.



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Lopez-Belmonte, J; Moreno-Guerrero, AJ; (...); Marin-Marin, JA. Co-word analysis and academic performance from the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology in Web of Science AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 2021.


Tsao, YP; Yeh, WY; (...); Cheng, HM. Implementing a flipped classroom model in an evidence-based medicine curriculum for pre-clinical medical students: evaluating learning effectiveness through prospective propensity score-matched cohorts BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION , 2022.


Ferriz-Valero, A; Osterlie, O; (...); Baena-Morales, S. The Effects of Flipped Learning on Learning and Motivation of Upper Secondary School Physical Education Students FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 2022.


Lopez-Belmonte, J; Moreno-Guerrero, AJ; (...); Lampropoulos, G. The Impact of Gender on the Use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Students with ASD EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, 2022.


Moral-Sanchez, SN; Sanchez-Compana, MT and Romero, I. Geometry with a STEM and Gamification Approach: A Didactic Experience in Secondary Education MATHEMATICS, 2022.


Sun, LY; Yang, L; (...); Zhang, XS. Hot topics and frontier evolution in college flipped classrooms based on mapping knowledge domains Sun, LY; Yang, L; (...); Zhang, XS FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 2022.


Sevillano-Monje, V; Martin-Gutierrez, A and Hervas-Gomez, C. The Flipped Classroom and the Development of Competences: A Teaching Innovation Experience in Higher Education EDUCATION SCIENCES, 2022.


Duo-Terron, P; Moreno-Guerrero, AJ and Marin-Marin, JA. ICT Motivation in Sixth-Grade Students in Pandemic Times-The Influence of Gender and Age EDUCATION SCIENCES, 2022.


Marin, JAM; Soto, MNC; (...); Garcia, GG. Gamification as a Motivational and Socio-educational Resource in Classrooms with Students at Risk of Social Exclusion METHODOLOGIES AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 2022.


Singh, M; Bharti, S; (...); Singh, J. A Facial and Vocal Expression Based Comprehensive Framework for Real-Time Student Stress Monitoring in an IoT-Fog-Cloud Environment IEEE ACCESS, 2022.


Pozo-Sanchez, S; Moreno-Guerrero, AJ; (...); Lopez-Belmonte, J. pandemia Flipped Learning as a pedagogical alternative for the work of musical expression in times of pandemic RETOS-NUEVAS TENDENCIAS EN EDUCACION FISICA DEPORTE Y RECREACION, 2023.

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Tong, DH and Uyen, BP. The efficacy of a four-stage learning model incorporating ACODESA method and mind map in fostering students' mathematical communication skills: A data report FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 2022.


Lopez-Belmonte, J; Pozo-Sanchez, S; (...); Moreno-Guerrero, AJ. Design and validation of a questionnaire for the evaluation of educational experiences in the metaverse in Spanish students (METAEDU) Lopez-Belmonte, J; Pozo-Sanchez, S; (...); Moreno-Guerrero, AJ Heliyon, 2022.


Moral, SV and Crosseti, BD. Self-Regulation of Learning and the Co-Design of Personalized Learning Pathways in Higher Education: A Theoretical Model Approach JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MEDIA IN EDUCATION, 2022.


Unceta, A; Guerra, I and Barandiaran, X. Integrating Social Innovation into the Curriculum of Higher Education Institutions in Latin America: Insights from the Students4Change Project Sustainability, 2021.


Chen, KW and Wang, ZY. Online flipped learning methods for teaching hospitality skills and management practices in an epidemic situation: A study on learning attitude and effectiveness FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2023.


Marin-Marin, JA; Lopez-Belmonte, J; (...); Moreno-Guerrero, AJ. Influence of the application of a reading plan on motivation, emotional intelligence, fluency and reading comprehension in Spanish primary school students TEXTO LIVRE-LINGUAGEM E TECNOLOGIA, 2023.


Moral-Sanchez, SN; Sanchez-Compana, MT and Sanchez-Cruzado, C . Flipped learning model enriched with gamification educational platforms for learning geometry PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Marín, J.A.M., Soto, M.N.C., Navas-Parejo, M.R., García, G.G. . Gamification as a Motivational and Socio-educational Resource in Classrooms with Students at Risk of Social Exclusion), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, .


Marín-Marín, J.-A., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Dúo-Terrón, P., López-Belmonte, J. . STEAM in education: a bibliometric analysis of performance and co-words in Web of Science), International Journal of STEM Education, .


Gao, H. . The impact of quality of experience of chinese college students on internet-based resources English learning), Future Internet, .


Fourati-jamoussi, F., Dubois, M.J.F., Chedru, M., Belhenniche, G. . Education for sustainable development and innovation in engineering school: Students’ perception), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Domínguez-Lloria, S., Fernández-Aguayo, S., Marín-Marín, J.-A., Alvariñas-Villaverde, M. . Effectiveness of a collaborative platform for the mastery of competencies in the distance learning modality during covid-19), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Corell-Almuzara, A., López-Belmonte, J., Marín-Marín, J.-A., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J. . Covid-19 in the field of education: State of the art), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Unceta, A., Guerra, I., Barandiaran, X. . Integrating social innovation into the curriculum of higher education institutions in latin america: Insights from the students4change project), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Pozo-Sánchez, S., López-Belmonte, J., Fuentes-Cabrera, A., López-Núñez, J.-A. . Twitch as a techno-pedagogical resource to complement the flipped learning methodology in a time of academic uncertainty), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Rodríguez-García, A.-M., Marín-Marín, J.-A., López-Núñez, J.-A., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J. . Do age and educational stage influence no-mobile-phone phobia?), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Parra-González, M.-E., López-Belmonte, J., Segura-Robles, A. . Innovating in Nutrition Education: Application of Gamification and Digital Resources in High School Students), Retos, .


Chen, Y., Gan, N. . Sustainable development of employability of university students based on participation in the internship promotion programme of Zhejiang Province), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


López-Belmonte, J., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Pozo-Sánchez, S., Marín-Marín, J.-A. . Co-word analysis and academic performance from the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology in Web of Science), Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, .


Tsao, Y.-P., Yeh, W.-Y., Hsu, T.-F., (...), Chen, C.-H., Cheng, H.-M. . Implementing a flipped classroom model in an evidence-based medicine curriculum for pre-clinical medical students: evaluating learning effectiveness through prospective propensity score-matched cohorts), BMC Medical Education, .


Ferriz-Valero, A., Østerlie, O., Penichet-Tomas, A., Baena-Morales, S. . The Effects of Flipped Learning on Learning and Motivation of Upper Secondary School Physical Education Students), Frontiers in Education, .


Moreno-Guerrero, A.J., Marin-Marin, J.A., Parra-Gonzalez, M.E., Lopez-Belmonte, J. . Computer in education in the 21st century. A scientific mapping of the literature in Web of Science), Campus Virtuales, .


Dúo-Terrón, P., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Marín-Marín, J.-A. . ICT Motivation in Sixth-Grade Students in Pandemic Times—The Influence of Gender and Age), Education Sciences, .


Parra-González, M.E., Segura-Robles, A., Moreno-Guerrero, A.J., López-Belmonte, J. . ELABORATION AND VALIDATION OF THE SCALE TO MEASURE THE EXPERIENCE ON GAMIFICATION IN EDUCATION (EGAMEDU)), Journal of Technology and Science Education, .


Serrano Amarilla, Natalia; Cuetos Revuelta, María José; Manzanal Martínez, Ana Isabel. Systematic Review: Flipped Classrooms in the Performance of Undergraduate Science Students), Journal of Science Education and Technology, .


Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-José ; Marín-Marin, José-Antonio ; López-Belmonte, Jesús ; Churi, Prathamesh . Systematic Review on Digital Competence in the Spanish Context), Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, .


Singh, M., Bharti, S., Kaur, H., (...), Kaur, M., Singh, J.. A Facial and Vocal Expression Based Comprehensive Framework for Real-Time Student Stress Monitoring in an IoT-Fog-Cloud Environment), IEEE Access, .


Moral-Sánchez, S.N., Sánchez-Compaña, M.T., Romero, I.. Geometry with a STEM and Gamification Approach: A Didactic Experience in Secondary Education), Mathematics, .


Moral-Sánchez, S.N., Sánchez-Compaña, M.T., Sánchez-Cruzado, C.. Flipped learning model enriched with gamification educational platforms for learning geometry), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


Sun, L., Yang, L., Wang, X., Zhu, J., Zhang, X.. Hot topics and frontier evolution in college flipped classrooms based on mapping knowledge domains), Frontiers in Public Health, .


Romero-García, C., García, B.A., Buzón-García, O. . TRAINING OF THE FUTURE TEACHER IN THE FLIPPED LEARNING MODEL IN AN ONLINE ENVIRONMENT ), Journal of Educators Online, .


Pozo-Sánchez, S., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., López-Núñez, J.-A., López-Belmonte, J. . Flipped Learning as a pedagogical alternative for the work of musical expression in times of pandemic ), Retos, .


Alyoussef, I.Y. . Acceptance of a flipped classroom to improve university students’ learning: An empirical study on the TAM model and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) ), Heliyon, .


Tong, D.H., Uyen, B.P. . The efficacy of a four-stage learning model incorporating ACODESA method and mind map in fostering students’ mathematical communication skills: A data report ), Frontiers in Education, .


López-Belmonte, J., Pozo-Sánchez, S., Lampropoulos, G., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J. . Design and validation of a questionnaire for the evaluation of educational experiences in the metaverse in Spanish students (METAEDU) ), Heliyon, .


Molina-Torres, M.P.. From face-to-face to virtual education in university teaching ), Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades, .


Mayra, C.Z., Mery, C.Z., Cinthia, V.Z., Richard, D.M.. Development Of The Theoretical Foundation Of Flipped Classroom Teaching Strategies In The Teaching-Learning), Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, .


Moral, S.V., Crosseti, B.D.. Self-Regulation of Learning and the Co-Design of Personalized Learning Pathways in Higher Education: A Theoretical Model Approach), Journal of Interactive Media in Education, .


Chen, K.-W., Wang, Z.-Y.. Online flipped learning methods for teaching hospitality skills and management practices in an epidemic situation: A study on learning attitude and effectiveness), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Marín-Marín, J.-A., López-Belmonte, J., Lampropoulos, G., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J.. Influence of the application of a reading plan on motivation, emotional intelligence, fluency and reading comprehension in Spanish primary school students), Texto Livre, .




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引述 Google Scholar

Huamán-Romaní, Y. L. (2021). The e-Learning Method for Teaching Mathematical Content in the COVID-19 Era. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 2045-2057.


Rodríguez-García, A. M., Marín-Marín, J. A., López-Núñez, J. A., & Moreno-Guerrero, A. J. (2021). Do Age and Educational Stage Influence No-Mobile-Phone Phobia?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4450.


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Pozo-Sánchez, S., López-Belmonte, J., Fuentes-Cabrera, A., & López-Núñez, J. A. (2021). Twitch as a techno-pedagogical resource to complement the flipped learning methodology in a time of academic uncertainty. Sustainability, 13(9), 4901.


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