


当代人对互联网、设备和社交网络的访问不断增加,彻底改变了交流方式,并将对信息的访问和对内容的创作民主化。然而,一些研究人员表明,虽然可以访问互联网可以很容易就实现,但虚拟世界也反映了我们生活的社会的数字信息不平等现象。多项研究提供的证据表明,社会阶层不会影响在网络上用户的出现,但确实会影响他们对网络的使用和对内容的创建,值得一提的是这些研究主要处于欧洲和北美的背景下。本研究探讨了对内容消费和创作的年轻人的社会经济状况,以及与现实世界中发现的社会不平等相关的青少年虚拟世界。本研究采用探索性定量设计,对来自厄瓜多尔高水平教育机构的 2115 名高中生和初中生进行了调查。研究从三个方面进行了分析:(1)使用平台的原因(2)消费时间(3)年轻人创造的内容类型。与以往的研究一致,本研究指出了社会经济环境如何影响年轻人使用社交网络。同样,它表明了内容创建过程的民主化程度有所提高。



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引述 Web of Science

Torres-Diaz, JC; Rivera-Rogel, D; (...); Andrade-Vargas, L. Effects of COVID-19 on the Perception of Virtual Education in University Students in Ecuador; Technical and Methodological Principles at the Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja Mar 2022 , 2000.


Diez-Gutierrez, E; Verdeja, M; (...); Macias-Tovar, J. Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America COMUNICAR 30 (72), 2022.


Ramon-Verdu, A and Villalba-Gomez, JV. The Image as Language: The Creation and the Use of the Visual Message by Young University Students in Their Communicative Social Activity Frontiers in Psychology, 2022.



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Esquinas, MHR; Ariza, MDH; (...); Carrasco, CA. Validation of a questionnaire on habits and uses of social networks in students of an Andalusian university Aula Abierta, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Torres-Díaz, J.C., Rivera-Rogel, D., Beltrán-Flandoli, A.M., Andrade-Vargas, L. . Effects of COVID-19 on the Perception of Virtual Education in University Students in Ecuador; Technical and Methodological Principles at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Salas-Valdivia, L., Gutierrez-Aguilar, O. . Implications of Digital Citizenship in Social Media to build a safe environment in the Covid-19 situation), #EANF#, .


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Ramón-Verdú, A., Villalba-Gómez, J.V.. The Image as Language: The Creation and the Use of the Visual Message by Young University Students in Their Communicative Social Activity), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Taipe-Quispe, A., Heredia-Mamani, Y., Turpo-Gebera, O., Igartua, J.-J.. USES OF FACEBOOK AND ACADEMIC PROCRASTINATION IN GENERAL STUDIES STUDENTS AT A PERUVIAN UNIVERSITY), Journal of Technology and Science Education, .


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