
媒体框架、新闻价值、内容分析、文本分析、COVID-19 疫苗、Sputnik News


新闻网站 ro.sputnik.md 是 Sputnik 新闻网站平台的罗马尼亚语版本,由俄罗斯政府拥有,是克里姆林宫用来在俄罗斯边境传播错误和虚假信息的主要渠道之一。本研究旨在确定与抗 COVID-19 疫苗相关的框架,以及在 ro.sputnik.md 媒体文本中构建关于疫苗接种的新闻话语的新闻价值。为了映射媒体框架以及词汇和话语结构,研究提出了一种基于内容的混合方法,其中自动文本分析(频率、共现、n-gram)与主题和话语分析相结合。语料库中确定了六个重点框架(N=1165):俄罗斯 Sputnik V 疫苗的优势、欧盟授权疫苗的致命/副作用、个人权利和自由的限制、欧盟和/或罗马尼亚当局的斗争、对儿童和青少年的保护和大型制药公司的阴谋。研究结果表明,特定的话语模式与负面新闻价值相关:死亡、副作用(血栓、血栓形成、凝血)、限制、禁止或警告(严重、风险、负面、恐慌等),而冲突新闻价值与战争词汇(防御、威胁、战斗、火力、火药等)相关;和精英模式与有著名的演员(国家领导人、欧洲领导人、著名的“阴谋家”)和国家(强大的国际角色、重要的邻邦)有关。



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收到: 29-12-2021

修订: 08-02-2022

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引述 Web of Science

Muresan, R and Salcudean, M. "We Write to Dismantle Prejudices, Myths and Lies": The Role of Journalists in the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in Romania JOURNALISM STUDIES, 2022.


Romero-Martin, G; Caraballo-Pou, MA and Merchan-Hernandez, C. From affective polarization to fruitful politics: a new public leadership inspired by the UN's 2030 Agenda INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC LEADERSHIP, 2022.


Chen, C and Liu, RP. Discrepancies in the portrayal of the COVID-19 vaccine in Chinese and US international media outlets: A corpus-based discursive news values analysis GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH, 2023.


Marin, AM. Territorial Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination in Romania NISPACEE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY, 2023.


Radu, BV. A Policy Perspective on Regulating Disinformation in Romania during the Covid-19 Pandemic NISPACEE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Muresan, R., Salcudean, M.. “We Write to Dismantle Prejudices, Myths and Lies”: The Role of Journalists in the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in Romania), Journalism Studies, .


Romero-Martín, G., Caraballo-Pou, M.Á., Merchán-Hernández, C.. From affective polarization to fruitful politics: a new public leadership inspired by the UN's 2030 Agenda), International Journal of Public Leadership, .


Radu, B.V.. A Policy Perspective on Regulating Disinformation in Romania during the Covid-19 Pandemic), NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, .


引述 Google Scholar

“We Write to Dismantle Prejudices, Myths and Lies”: The Role of Journalists in the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in Romania R Muresan, M Salcudean - Journalism Studies, 2022 - Taylor & Francis


АНТИКРИЗИСНАЯ ПОЛИТИКА ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО СОЮЗА В ОТНОШЕНИИ ПАНДЕМИИ COVID-19 В ПЕРИОД 2020-2021 ГГ.: ГОСУДАРСТВА … ДР Исламов - Вестник Марийского государственного …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru


“Escribimos para desmantelar prejuicios, mitos y mentiras”: el papel de los periodistas en la campaña de vacunación contra el COVID-19 en Rumania R Muresan , M Salcudean - Estudios de Periodismo, 2023 - Taylor & Francis


De la polarización afectiva a la política fructífera: un nuevo liderazgo público inspirado en la Agenda 2030 de la ONU G Romero-Martín, MÁ Caraballo-Pou … - Revista Internacional de…, 2023 - emerald.com


Discrepancies in the portrayal of the COVID-19 vaccine in Chinese and US international media outlets: A corpus-based discursive news values analysis C Chen, R Liu - Global Public Health, 2023 - Taylor & Francis





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