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引述 Web of Science

Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel; Calabuig Moreno, Ferran; Sanchez Franco, Manuel. Congruence and placement in sponsorship: An eye-tracking application PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, 2019.

Luisa Munoz-Garcia, Ana; Pablo Queupil, Juan; Bernasconi, Andres; Veliz, Daniela. Higher education research in Chile: Publication patterns and emerging themes EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS ARCHIVES, 2019.

Alonso dos Santos, Manuel; Calabuig Moreno, Ferran; Jesus Sanchez-Franco, Manuel. Blindness to sponsor: Application to sports event posters RAE-REVISTA DE ADMINISTRACAO DE EMPRESAS, 2018.

Mena-Young, Margoth. Memory and reading science reportages: measuring the information retrieval QUESTION, 2017.

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Ferrando; Jorge Nieto;. Tourist Destination Placement in Fiction Films: An Applied Research Proposal COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY-SPAIN , 2020.

引述 Scopus

González-Menéndez, R.A.. Alcohol control in Cuba: Preventing countervailing cultural, mass media influences), MEDICC Review, .

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Dos Santos, M.A., Moreno, F.C., Sánchezfranco, M.J.. Blindness to sponsor: Application to sports event posters [Ceguera al patrocinador: Aplicación a carteles de eventos deportivos] [Cegueira ao patrocinador: Utilização de banners em eventos esportivos]), RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas, .

Muñoz-García, A.L., Queupil, J.P., Bernasconi, A., Véliz, D.. Higher education research in Chile: Publication patterns, emerging themes [Pesquisa no ensino superior no Chile: Uma perspectiva sobre padrões de publicação e questões emergentes] [La investigación en educación superior en Chile: Una perspectiva sobre patrones de publicación y temas emergentes]), Education Policy Analysis Archives, .

Alonso Dos Santos, M., Calabuig Moreno, F., Sánchez Franco, M.. Congruence, placement in sponsorship: An eye-tracking application), Physiology, Behavior, .

Alonso Dos Santos, M., Huertas-Serrano, M., Sánchez-Franco, M.J., Torres-Moraga, E.I. . Alcohol versus sponsorship: effectiveness in sports posters), British Food Journal, .

Ferrando, J.N. . Tourist destination placement in fiction films: An applied research proposal), Communication and Society, .

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