Том XXXII, № 79, 2 триместр, октября 2024
Тематические редакторы
Dr. José-Octavio Islas - Autonomous University of Carmen - Мексика
Dr. Fernando Gutiérrez-Cortés - Tecnológico de Monterrey - Мексика
Dr. Lance Strate - Fordham University - США
01 A Look at the Risks and Threats of Artificial Intelligence, From Media Ecology
Octavio Islas, Autonomous University of Carmen (Мексика), Fernando Gutiérrez-Cortés, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Мексика) & Amaia Arribas-Urrutia, University of Valladolid (Испания).
02 Metaversity as the Learning Ecology in the Age of the Metaverse: A Systematic Review
Luis-Alberto Laurens-Arredondo, Universidad Católica del Maule (Чили).
Iván Quintero-Rodríguez, Loyola University Andalusia (Испания) & Pilar Colás-Bravo, University of Seville (Испания).
04 The Impact of TikTok on the Body Image and Self-Esteem of Portuguese Adolescent Boys
Mariana Órfão, Catholic University of Portugal (Португалия) & Patrícia Días, Catholic University of Portugal (Португалия).
05 Social Learning on TikTok: the Community as a Literacy Axis on Blood Donation
Raquel Martínez-Sanz, University of Valladolid (Испания) & Patricia Durántez-Stolle, University of Valladolid (Испания).
06 The Educational Potential of Video Games: Its Evaluation Through a Rubric
José-Pablo García-Mejía, Autonomous University of Madrid (Испания) & Agustín De-La-Herrán, Autonomous University of Madrid (Испания).
07 Intelligence and Spatial Intuition in the Digital Reculturation of Secondary School
Miguel-Angel Ajuriaguerra, Rey Juan Carlos University (Испания), Mihaela Chidean, Rey Juan Carlos University (Испания) & Virginia De-Jorge-Huertas, Rey Juan Carlos University (Испания).
08 Scales to Assess the Use of ICT and Child-to-parent Violence in Adolescents
Elisa González-Pérez, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (Испания), Alba García-Barrera, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (Испания) & Isabel Martínez-Álvarez, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (Испания).
09 Aided Augmented Input and the EC+ App in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Antonio-Javier Zurita-Díaz, University of Malaga (Испания) & Marina Calleja-Reina, University of Malaga (Испания).
Teresa González-Ramírez, Sevilla (Испания), Maria-Giuseppina Bartolo, University of Calabria (Италия), Angela Lopez-Gracia, University of Seville (Испания), Rosario Ponziano, University of Calabria (Италия) & Simona Perfetti, University of Calabria (Италия).