
Journalism, Humanist theory of information, social function of journalist, democratization of information


The information appears today like an individual and social necessity, because a society without information is not free. The public function of information begins admitting that people and society have right to be informed, and that this right involves their active and intelligent participation in the informative process. In this relation neither the professional nor the public must turn one’s back on each other. It has to exist between them both an alliance of fidelity, credibility, confidence, coherence and creativity. Which behaviour will be necessary to contribute to the democratization of this relational process in television?



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Real-Rodríguez, E. (2005). Journalists and viewers: challenges and demands for a process of interactive relation. [Periodistas y telespectadores: retos y exigencias para un proceso de relación interactiva]. Comunicar, 25.



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