
Production, teleserie, television, viewer


The present statement comes from the need to give answers to a conflict that I have come across along my professional career in the audiovisual sector in Málaga: The low level of professional performance and lack of organisation and resources in fiction production in the audiovisual sector of Málaga. Low budgets, lack of public financial help and subventions, deficiency of professional TV crew and equipment are some of the reasons why our fiction productions do not get to grow as serious productions that could compete with good TV products, as it is the case of other Spanish cities like Madrid, which has not only got to consolidate the TV series as a profitable audiovisual product, but also has been able to connect with the needs of the audience. Nonetheless, It has to be pointed out, that although to develop a good professional performance in this field, the finance is a big conditioning; it is not the only impediment to carry out a good quality production. The lack of creativity is in may cases, together with bad organization are some of the problems that we come across in Malaga and equally in the rest of the cities in Andalusia, which is delaying the take off of the audiovisual production companies in Andalusia. This report is based in the conclusions before mentioned, and in trying to satisfy the vital understanding and explain the points of action in the developing of fiction projects within the Malaga TV production companies, and which are the reasons why they go on following the wrong working attitudes that lead us to make the same mistakes again and again. It is all about understanding the group of elements that compose the fiction TV productions in Malaga and the roots of the deficiencies that this sector is suffering not only in Malaga , but also in the rest of the cities of Andalusia.


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Hinojosa-Becerra, M. (2005). The audiovisual producers: tools analysis. [Las productoras audiovisuales: instrumentos de análisis]. Comunicar, 25.



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