
Teenagers, communication media, cinema, questions.


Society shows a double bind, as it defines adolescents´ place. This is reflected on the attitude of the educators, who understand this phase as the most critical and complex. One among the new passwords for youth is the redesigning of sociability around the so-called “urban tribes”; in other words, young people are motivated by categories that signal to being together and to a new organic solidarity. In the dynamicity of such re-appropriations by adolescents, the means of communication, specially tv, as social and cultural mediators, become new perceptual organizer and re-organizer that act upon relationships and social experiences. Who is this XXI century young person? Howdoes he live? How does he relate to the tv? What does he like?...


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Esperon-Porto, T., & Krause-Lemke, A. (2005). Television, cinema and teenagers: relationship and aspirations. [TV, cinema e adolescentes: relações e inquietudes]. Comunicar, 25.



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