
Ethics, developmental psychology, socializing agents, TV programmes


This paper emphasizes the influence of TV programmes for children on their ethical values, taking some programmes of the Spanish television (TVE) as examples. Their contents usually fit values praised by the society and human rights. On the other hand, other programmes aimed at a different audience (such as series or advertisements) but also watched by children, don´t respect those principles and they even contradict them.


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Oregui, Eider; Aierbe, Ana;. Structure of cartoons, narrative skills and perception of values/countervalues in primary school CULTURA Y EDUCACION , 2019.

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Oregui, E., Aierbe, A.. Structure of cartoons, narrative skills, perception of values/ countervalues in primary school / Estructura de los dibujos animados, habilidades narrativas y percepción de valores/ contravalores en Educación Primaria), Cultura y Educacion, .

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Moreno-García, L. (2008). Values education in childhood TV programmes. [La transmisión de valores en los programas infantiles]. Comunicar, 31.



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