Ключевые слова

Cinema, terror, emotion, young people, social identity, videogames, creative process


This author deals with the attraction of that feeling of terror generated in the media, especially in cinema, and from the perspective of the controlled emotion behind that fear, pleasure and pain. What is the nature of the fear and pleasure the spectator feels? Why is it important for educators to take account of this connection between the viewer and the film? This subject is treated from film culture as experiecned by young Britons, with an analysis of the influence of cinema on the cultural lives of young people and the lessons that can be drawn. The author takes two young girls as an example, identifying their social identity and later outlining the state of education in cinema and the media. He presents two projects developed by young Britons on Psychosis and the creation of videogames. The author concludes that the fascinating world of moving images is open to us via films and videogames, by examining ludic structures and narratives and teaching students how these are interrelated and exploring their creative processes of production.


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Burn, Andrew. Revisiting the Popular Arts Media Education, Cultural Values and Cultural Production INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF MEDIA LITERACY EDUCATION, 2017.

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Williams, Rich; Runco, Mark A.; Berlow, Eric. Mapping the Themes, Impact, and Cohesion of Creativity Research over the Last 25 Years CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2016.


Gonzalez Garcia, Maria. Cinema and literature for learning basic skills: semiotic and educational links EDUCATIO SIGLO XXI, 2015.


Bautista, Antonio; Rayon, Laura; de las Heras, Ana. Value of Audiovisual Records in Intercultural Education COMUNICAR, 2012.


Reia-Baptista, Vitor. Film Literacy: Media Appropriations with Examples from the European Film Context COMUNICAR, 2012.


Цитаты в Scopus

García-Vera, A.B., Rayón-Rumayor, L., de-las-Heras-Cuenca, A.M.. Value of audiovisual records in intercultural education), Comunicar, .


Reia-Baptista, V.. Film literacy: Media appropriations with examples from the european film context), Comunicar, .


Williams, R., Runco, M.A., Berlow, E.. Mapping the Themes, Impact,, Cohesion of Creativity Research over the Last 25 Years), Creativity Research Journal, .


Burn, A.. Revisiting the popular arts: Media education, cultural values, cultural production), International Handbook of Media Literacy Education, .


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Burn, A. (2010). Thrills in the dark: Young people’s moving image cultures and media education. [Emociones en la oscuridad: Imagen y alfabetización mediática en jóvenes]. Comunicar, 35, 33-42. https://doi.org/10.3916/C35-2010-02-03



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