
Metaverses, representation, musical, music, crossmedia, secondlife, virtual, Internet


Sites for representing music have been classified by the equipollence between their expressive value and transmission value. In this dialectic game, the media have had a determining influence as an intervening space, from music imagined on the radio to its visual representation on a screen to today’s multimodal display created through the integration of current existing media that expand music’s potential both in terms of production and consumption. An interest in ‘cross-media’ is the basis for this research which focuses on its most integrated and interactive aspect: immersive worlds. The aim is to classify the environments of immersive worlds through analyzing those most used as spaces for musical representation. Documentary research techniques have been used in order to obtain: a) a census of current immersive musical environments, and b) a functional analysis of important cases. Through this analysis, various proposals are made for uses for immersive worlds, from both a technical perspective as well as from their potential as an interactive medium. In the conclusion, the possibilities for musical representation offered by these metaverses are assessed and possible future scenarios are discussed.


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Walters, L.C., Hughes, D.E., Barrio, M.G., Hughes, C.E.. ChronoLeap: The great world's fair adventure), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), .

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Gértrudix-Barrio, F., & Gértrudix-Barrio, M. (2012). Music in virtual worlds. Study on the representation spaces. [La música en los mundos inmersivos. Estudio sobre los espacios de representación]. Comunicar, 38, 175-181.



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