
Adolescents, health programms, communication


This paper deals with the use of communication as a strategy in public health programmes aimed at adolescents. It is based on widely developed programmes in Andalucia, which allows a reflection on the power communication has, either in terms of information or formation, to reinforce the healthy coexistence of a diversity of young people in a society of adult power.


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MINISTERIO DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO (Ed.) (2002): Ganar salud con la juventud. Madrid, Dirección General de Salud Pública y Consumo.

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Muriel-Fernández, R., & Blanco-Aguilar, J. (2006). Communication, health and adolescents. [Comunicación y convivencia en la salud de los jóvenes]. Comunicar, 26, 59-62.



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