Palavras chave
HOBSON, D. (1982): Crossroads: the Drama of a Soap Opera. Londres, Methuen.
HODGE, B. y TRIPP, D. (1986): Children and Television. Cambridge, Polity Press.
KATZ, E. y LIEBES, T. (1984): «Once Upon a Time in Dallas », en Intermedia , 3; vol. 12.
MORLEY, D. (1980): The Nationwide Audience: Structure and Decoding. Londres, British Film Institute.
MORLEY, D. (1986): Family Television: Cultural Power and Domestic Leasure. Londres, Comedia.
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Quin, R., & Sánchez-Martínez, M. (1999). Aprender a mirar: el lugar de los textos visuales en el currículum escolar. Comunicar, 12, 131-139.