Ключевые слова

Media, education, cinema, film analysis, audiovisual narrative


Any audiovisual message is the result of the characteristic conventions of the audiovisual narrative. Its logic has a very well-known history, characteristic of the comic or the theatre photograph. For the author of this paper, the best way of facing an audio-visual production, understanding it and interpreting it is to approach the formal narra -tive of every party. With this purpose, the author proposes the analysis of the film The tongue of butterflies (1999), produced by J. Luis Cuerda, wich contains a script with a complex origin, synthesis or summary of works that initialy were not conceived to be shown by images.


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Как процитировать

Romea-Castro, C. (2001). Lectura a cinco bandas: «La lengua de las mariposas». Comunicar, 17, 71-78. https://doi.org/10.3916/C17-2001-10



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