Ключевые слова
Mass media, secondar education, Euromedia, language
This work belongs to a research at european level on the uses of the media in compulsory secondary education.This work attempts to analyse the criteria whith wich the media are introduced into the classroom not only from the teacher’s point of view but also from the students. The information is gathered from questionnaires and also from observation in classroom. Assuming a lack of suitable teacher training and funding as well as not together with a shortage of materials. The type of teaching which predominates is one based on aspects of discourse and model texts.
HART, A. y HICKS (1999): Teaching media in english. Londres, Routledge.
PÉREZ TORNERO, J.M. (2000) Comunicación y educación en la sociedad de la información. Barcelona, Paidós.
VARIOS (2000): «Escuela y medios», en Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 297.
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Как процитировать
Huerta-Ramón, R. (2002). «Euromedia Project»: enseñando los «media» en secundaria. Comunicar, 18, 123-129. https://doi.org/10.3916/C18-2002-19