Palavras chave

Educational television, documental analysis, scientific popularization


Nowadays, we attend an omnipresent audiovisual culture that, according to some authors, it´s transforming the citizens into passive consumers and it is making the citizens´intelectual activity difficult. New technologies, which take more and more time from our daily lives, also have a considerable impact on school. Is it possible to introduce the image in the world of the education and helping at the same time the students´implication? In this paper, we analyze documentaries of science and nature with an interesting analysis instrument. We conclude that the didactic use of documentaries must promote the reflection and outline daily life problems to work in class.


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Aguaded-Landero, S. (2002). Scientific and environmental popularization in TV. [La divulgación científica y ambiental en la televisión]. Comunicar, 19, 67-70.



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