Palavras chave

Design of materials, multimedia, vocational guidence, guider


The changing context in which we are living raises considerable challenges in the educational and formative processes. Vocational guidance tries to bring the technical assistance that provides the individuals with the instrument and tools which are necessary to face these demands. With this intention, the authors have designed a telematic tool for the formation of the guiders, which they present in this paper.


BERMEJO, B. (2002): «Orientación y desarrollo profesional», en RODRÍGUEZ, J., BERMEJO, B.; MORALES, J.A.; MARTÍ- NEZ, A. y RIVERA, A. (Coords.): Formación y Orientación Profesional: de la escuela al trabajo. Sevilla, GID.

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Como citar

Grupo-de-Investigación-Didáctica. (2002). Multimedia means for professional guidance. [Materiales multimedia para la orientación profesional]. Comunicar, 19, 107-113.



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