Ключевые слова
On line education, teacher’s role, new technologies, educational patterns
This paper analyses the experiences carried out with on line educational patterns using the new technologies, which is called «teleformation» by the author. He highlights the role played by the teacher in the whole process, concluding that this had to change a lot from traditional to on line education. So, the author proposes that institutions have to make a great effort to do some research on this subject and to help teachers in this new challenge.
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Castaño-Garrido, C. (2003). The change in the teacher´s role: from traditional education to on line education. [El rol del profesor en la transición de la enseñanza presencial al aprendizaje «on line»]. Comunicar, 21, 49-55. https://doi.org/10.3916/C21-2003-07