
Teenangers, industry of leisure, digital revolution, free time, virtual reality


In the last years, teenagers have experienced an evolution towards novelty, diversity, complexity and satisfaction of their wishes, fashions and free time activities. The change is bound to the new industry of leisure and the digital revolution, and it is reinforced by the great number of empty hours due to the progressive absence of parents and school. The latest teenagers have been introduced into a parallel world (known as «virtual reality») which is increasingly detached of reality. The author thinks that this parallel world creates big problems to the teenager: lack of formal thought, affective instability, emotional coldness, fears, anxiety and, finally, a kind of dispair.


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de-Bofarull-de-Torrents, I. (2003). Everlasting teenagers and mediatic free time. [Adolescentes eternos y ocio mediático]. Comunicar, 21, 109-113.



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