Ключевые слова

Citizenship, education, media, critical point of view


Contemporary democratic societies are interested in citizens with a high level of education. This fact is especially relevant since we observe that democracies have not stopped violence, racism and other human rights violations. Media have influenced in the education of a responsible citizenship and play an essential role in the development of democratic societies. But there is a risk: media can spread a culture with a low educational level and transform themselves in a threat to social dialogue instead of making it easy. This paper tries to suggest ideas to educate responsible media professionals who are prepared to contribute to the develpoment of democratic wise societies.


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Pérez-Latre, F. (2004). Citizenship, education and communication studies. [Ciudadanía, educación y estudios de comunicación]. Comunicar, 22, 27-30. https://doi.org/10.3916/C22-2004-05



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