Palavras chave

Children, adolescents, media production, media education, social inclusion


Since 2002 the Media Studies Institute at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is working with extremely poor children and adolescents in a public boarding school set in a rural area, with the purpose of teaching them how to be reporters. The method was designed to make students work in the process of media production, including experiences of their own reality and youth interests. Learning to be reporters teach children to use media as a pretext to develop better skills in thinking, teaching them to take decisions in the production process of creating messages.


VON FEILITZEN, C. (2002): «Aprender haciendo: reflexiones sobre la educación y los medios de comunicación», en Comunicar, 18; Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación; 21-26.

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Como citar

Condeza-Dall’Orso, A. (2005). How children and adolescents learn to be reporters in Chile. [La formación de reporteros infantiles y juveniles en Chile]. Comunicar, 24, 69-75.



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