Palavras chave

Educational tools, audiovisual skills, pupil role, teacher role, virtual technologies


«Encyclomedia» is a teaching strategy based on a system that integrates media and resources for learning in the classroom with the support of a computer, an electronic blackboard, a projector and a printer. It intends to integrate media, tools and resources in the classroom practice, in order to support the teaching and learning process. It is structured from the digitalization of the free textbooks distributed by the Ministry of Education, enriched with links with videos, audios, interactive activities, virtual encyclopedias and resources that complement the topics of the syllabus of the primary school.


GUTIÉRREZ P.F. y PRIETO C.D. (1999): La mediación pedagógica. Buenos Aires, La Crujía.

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Vistas: 23951

Leituras dos resumos: 20510

Descargas em PDF: 3441

Métricas completas do Comunicar 24

Vistas: 919416

Leituras dos resumos: 799154

Descargas em PDF: 120262

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Como citar

Hernández-Luviano, G. (2005). Encyclomedia: new images for the classroom. [Enciclomedia: nuevas imágenes para el salón de clase]. Comunicar, 24, 171-176.



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